
Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Analysis Excel Template (v1.10)

Author: Intelligent Investor   |   Publish date: Tue, 24 Jun 17:32

Yesterday I have posted the v1.02 analysis template with various update on the Financial Statement Analysis Template and I have used the said template to perform financial statment analysis on APOLLO.

Today, I make an intiative to incorporate the DCF valuation to the excel template. You can click here to access the said template on the One Drive.


The V-DCF worksheet is a new valuation worksheet that I created based on the existing Financial Statement Analysis Template and all the required data will be auto picked by the V-DCF worksheet after you filled in the purple colour input worksheet as per specified in Financial Statement Analysis Template.

The V-DCF worksheet will perform valuation against different type of free cash flow i.e. FCF, FCFF, FCFE and Owner Earnings. (Read Cash Flow Statement Analysis if you not sure what is FCF.) The user can key in the self defined cash flow and check out the calculation result too.

You can review the data setup sections in order to confirm all of the inputs. Please refer to DCF writeup if you not sure about the setup in DCF Valuation. The input data can be override on the grey color cell. (It is similar to Financial Statement Analysis Template.)

After that, you can review the results for various free cash flow and check out what is the stock intrinsic value based on the DCF valuation on the  "Summary of Intrinsic Value" sections.

You can open the matrix to see the intrinsic value and MOS based on different growth rate and discount rate.

Or, review the "Calculation Details" to dissect the calculations

I hope this tools can help me to become a good hunter in bursa. And, I will develop more assset based or earning based aluations template in coming future.

