
OSK's Deal Coming? - Bursa Dvmmy

Author: Tan KW   |   Publish date: Sun, 29 Jun 15:42

Sunday, 29 June 2014 


Since selling its core business OSK Investment Bank to RHB Capital in 2012 for RM1.95 billion, OSK Holdings (OSK) does not have a core business.
In return, OSK was paid RM147.5mil cash and 245mil RHB shares at RM7.36 per share. After dividend reinvestment, now OSK holds 9.91% of RHB (252.3mil shares).
Currently OSK involves in property investment and capital financing business which generate little revenue and profit compared to what its investment bank has contributed before. Sooner or later it will inject a new core business into it.
The new business can't be finance-related that compete with RHB within 6 years. However, It is not hard to guess what kind of business OSK will acquire soon.
OSK's controlling major shareholder, CEO & MD Tan Sri Ong Leong Huat (40.5%) is also a major shareholder in other listed companies such as OSK Property (73.8%) and PJDev (21.4%).
Ong LH has hinted that property development will be OSK's new core business back in April 2014. The news will be announced within 6 months from April.
All the discussion written below are just my inexperience and laughable opinion, which might be inaccurate and not true.

Anyway, I think I will learn something from OSK's corporate exercise.
Will OSK Holdings purchase development land by itself and compete with OSKProp and PJDev in the property market? I don't think so.
So there is straightforward speculation that OSKProp and/or PJDev will be consolidated into OSK Holding.
The question is both or one of them.
If OSK acquires both companies then Ong LH may risk diluting his shareholding in OSK as OSK may need to issue new OSK shares to acquire those companies.
So I think OSK may acquire one of them which should be OSKProp as they have the same name and Ong LH holds 73.8% of it directly & indirectly.
The deal seems to be close as OSK's share price surged in the last 2 trading days while both OSKProp & PJDev's share prices are at new high.

All 3 companies owned by Ong LH above are still trading at a relatively low PE ratio even though their share prices have gained handsomely this year.
Price@27/6/14 (RM) 1.98 1.66 1.83
Shares (mil) 243.7 456.1 969.1
PATAMI (RM mil) *55.5 #97.0 *195.6
EPS (sen) 0.228 0.213 0.202
PER 8.68 7.79 9.06
OLH % 76.52 21.40 40.54
Equity (mil) 434.7 999.0 2628.0
Cash (mil) 124.5 110.6 1.9
Loans (mil) 162.2 467 240.6
Net D/E 0.09 0.36 0.09
* PATAMI for FY13
# PATAMI for Last 4 Quaters
Currently PJDev has slightly lower PE ratio compared to OSKProp but PJDev has significantly higher gearing.
Both have warrants which will dilute their future EPS. Once fully converted to mother shares, OSKProp's (Year 2017) EPS will be diluted by 30.7% while PJDev (Year 2020) will be diluted by 31.7%.
If OSK is really going to acquire OSKProp and make it its core business, I guess it should be a good news to shareholders of both companies.
Should speculators & investors buy OSK Holdings, OSK Property or PJDev now?

I have no experience in the rational of such business transaction so my opinion might be wrong.
Firstly, how to value OSKProp as an acquisition or merger target?
If we use book value or net asset per share, OSKProp's latest figure is RM1.81 at end of Mac14. Current share price of RM1.98 is 1.09x higher.
OSKProp has RM938mil of unbilled sales in Mac14 and its future development in Sg Petani alone carries a potential GDV of RM3bil. It has approximately 1,540 acres of land for development, with 1,500 acres in Sg Petani (Annual Report 2013). How many times book value is fair to acquire OSKProp?
OSK Investment Bank was sold to RHB at 1.77x book value about 2 years ago.
Can enterprise value being used here?
EV of OSKProp = 1.98(243.7) + 17.5 + 162.2 - 124.5 = RM537.7 mil or RM2.21 per share. It is still 11.6% below current share price.
  OSKProp PJDev
EV 537.7 1097.5
EBIT 86.6 146.0
EV/EBITDA 6.2 7.5
EV/share 2.21 2.41
OSK will need to pay more about RM1bil to take over PJDev from EV point of view.
OSKProp has slightly lower EV Multiple (EV/EBITDA) compared to PJDev, which means OSKProp is more attractive for a take-over as it takes only 6.2 years to pay off the cost compared to PJDev's 7.5 years.
As OSK is low in cash (only RM1.9mil), it must borrow to fund the acquisition unless it divests its investment in RHB which is unlikely at the moment.
OSK should have no problem to borrow as its investment in RHB is worth RM2.1bil and net debt to equity ratio is merely 0.09x currently.
If it borrows the entire EV of RM537.7mil of OSKProp from financial institution to fund the acquisition, its net gearing will only increase to 0.30x which should be fairly comfortable for a property developer.
This does not include the 101.6 million OSKProp-WC warrants though.
So if it does not issue new OSK shares for the acquisition, then I think it is good news to current OSK shareholders as not only net profit will rise tremendously, there will be no dilution of shareholding.
Nonetheless, I'm not sure how many percent of OSKProp that OSK will acquire should it happen. Will it acquire 100% and delist OSKProp? Ong LH has already owned 73.8% in OSKProp & 76.5% in OSKProp-WC.
Will it issue new OSK shares to existing OSKProp shareholders as part of the deal?
Is it possible that Ong LH who currently enjoys 73.8% profit sharing in OSKProp would want to reduce it to only 40.5% after consolidating into OSK without issuing additional OSK shares to OSKProp shareholders?
Will OSK acquire PJDev instead of OSKProp, or both, or neither of them?
I think it is very likely that the share price of those involved in the deal with increase, unless the deal tabled is unfair or does not meet the expectation of small shareholders.
How is Ong LH's reputation?

Last year Ong LH has attempted 2 take-overs of his companies which failed eventually.

  • July13 - offered RM1.68 for OSK, share price at that time RM1.65, net asset per share RM2.58.
  • Dec13 - offered RM0.58 for OSKVI, share price at that time RM0.52, net asset per share RM1.06.

Those offers were not good.

Anyway, I think OSK Holdings might be a good stock to hold in anticipation of new business injection.

* This article is just for sharing. Readers should not take it seriously :)

股票杠杆工具- SMF (Shares Margin Financing) 2

之前虽然有分享过第一篇: 了解股票融资 - Share Margin Financing,此刻再来一个升华版。在过去的一个星期里,阿Boon 部落格版主大大介绍过在小妹这里开了一个Margin户口,接着有部分朋友也询问我关于股票抵押融资。
回顾之前所解释的,Margin是一个股市里的杠杆工具。Margin 是一个抵押性质的贷款,提供投资者更有效率的投资。就好像购买房产,投资者只需要给头期的10%,接着就透过银行融资去购买所要的房子。当然,房地产的融 资杠杆作用比股票来的大很多倍。如果申请Margin,就必须以现金或手上的股票作为抵押才能获得银行的融资。一般上,若有100千市值的股票,银行就会 给一百千的贷款,至于有一些说给于两倍或两倍半当然必须符合条例。
想要使用 Margin,必须注意的事项,包括 MOF、Margin Cap、利息、Rollover Fees和Facilities Fees。之前的文章已经讲述了MOF 和 Margin Cap。通常银行提供几种配套,单一股的Margin 户口的利息就比较高,还有IPO Margin 户口的利息也是比较高。有些人会问,为什么我的利息是10%那么高,这个并不是你的里卖蛇骗你,而是必须知道不一样的投行有不一样的成本,如果你所属的投 行不是银行基准的,那么他们无法收取存款,所以成本就比较高(Cost of Fund)。不过,有一个方法是可以解决这个问题,就是Tie- Up Margin。你们可以寻找银行提供的 Margin,在结合现在用的投行户口。在选取银行贷款的时候,除了利息之外,必须留意 Margin Cap,很多时候银行的 Margin Cap 都偏于保守。Margin 的合约是比较特殊,当你使用贷款购买这个股时,他的合约期限是九十天,就是三个月,如果三个月后没有卖,会收取一个叫做Rollover fees。这个要看你们的银行是如何收取。Facilities fee 就是根据你的贷款数额抽取的一次性行政费用,有些银行称为 Stamp Duty。

给于想要申请 Margin 的朋友一些温馨提示
想要使用这个工具,首先必须先学会在股市里有把握性的赚钱。如果没有在股市里稳定的赚到钱,尤其是在现在的股市,比股市表现还逊色,那么就耐心的再学习, 要知道股市永远都存在,不要急于一时。又或者很戏剧化,刚好你曾经买到一个暴涨股,令你一下赚了好几倍,那么继续考察接下来买的表现如何,不要一时冲动, 孤注一掷。我们必须在有掌握的情况下使用杠杆已达到效率。如果你是完全只会抱住,从来没有试过完整的止损,那么我依然劝你考虑清楚。一旦遇到经济风暴,银 行会立刻变脸,小心你所抱住的股票,银行都不提供良好的 Margin Cap,而导致补仓后再补仓,直到砍仓,这就是为什么别人所谓的 Margin导致倾家荡产。好多时候,我们都以为我们想象到的已经是最糟糕,很多时候我们没遇到是不会知道。我询问过我旧同事,两位五六十岁的前辈,他们 极度反对使用 Margin,我想我应该是没经历过他们所感受的经验,而这个也是在他们心中种了很深的烂草莓。
那么 Margin 适合用在什么时候或买什么样的股?
可以回顾下官老所讲述关于 Margin 的一些文章。我十分认同他的分享。 Margin 应当用于成长型股,公司的成长必须高于 Margin 的利息。当然如果高股息,高成长是更加值得开心。那么如果你问我适合投资在 REIT 吗?老实说我并不是很认同。主要原因是因为REIT 的ROE很低,公司的现金只是用于派息,而不是用于发展,若只为了5-7%的股息盖过5%的银行利息,也许到头来赚1-2%,那是很危险的事,这是以风险 换取低回酬,很容易犯下赚少少,输多多的规律。大马股市本来就不是属于慷慨股息的地方,所以我认同官老讲的,成长比股息重要。那么什么情况适合使用 Margin?当然是在股市调整时,而你熟悉的股,你很清楚知道接下来的盈利会很好,而他只是因为大市的调整下滑,那么就是最好购买的时机。
小妹是个很长气又保守的人。在最近股市热腾腾的时候,每个人叫买的时候,讲出那么不吉利的话。我不是一个会做生意的人。我只是想要在这里做个善意的提醒, 而不想看到一些朋友搞不清楚状况下就害了自己。当然每个人有不一样的方法,我也不需要别人去认同我,这只是我部分的感想。毕竟我曾经说过,在我的人生里, 只有不断地调整、修正,不会是最好的,只有更好的。



发表于 25-6-2014 02:14 PM |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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【記者鄭孝祺、紀曉萌/綜合報導】 如果有人告訴你大腦是個小宇宙,宇宙是個超級大腦,你能理解嗎?會相信嗎?2012年11月16日,《自然》雜誌在「科學報告」專欄發表了一篇研究論文,證明宇宙的成長過程和結構與大腦細胞的生成過程和結構幾乎一模一樣。
無獨有偶,雜誌編輯和作家朱迪思‧霍珀(Judith Hopper)和她的先生迪克‧特瑞西(Dick Teresi)合寫的《三磅宇宙》(Three Pound Universe),把人腦比作三磅重的宇宙。在書的第33頁,有兩張圖片,一張是大腦皮層,一張是宇宙暗物質,這兩張圖片也是驚人的相似;說明大腦就像 一個微縮宇宙,而宇宙則是一巨型的大腦。


網絡不同 但自然生長動力相同

《自然》雜誌的研究報告顯示,某些未知的基本規律可能支配著多種或大或小的系統,從腦細胞之間的電信號傳遞,到社交網路的擴充,乃至宇宙的膨脹。該研究報 告的作者之一、美國加州聖地亞哥大學的物理學家德米特里‧戈里尤可夫(Dmitri Krioukov)說:「不同的網絡,如電腦網路、大腦和社交網絡,其自然的生長動力是一樣的。」

全息照片 論證宇宙的不可分性

 17世紀,微積分的發明者、著名的哲學家兼數學家、物理學家萊布尼茨(Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz:1646~1716),認為,「超自然」的事物預見並創造了這個物質的世界。萊布尼茨對微積分的發現促使在200年之後科學家提出全息 論。曾與愛因斯坦一起工作過的倫敦大學理論物理教授大衛.波姆(David Bohm:1917-1992)是現代全息理論之父。
全息論的核心思想是,宇宙是一個不可分割的、各部份之間緊密關聯的整體,任何一個部份都包含整體的信息。全息理論很好地解釋了超距作用的原理。大衛‧波姆 曾闡述說,獨立存在的事物展開來所看到的秩序之下其實存在著一種不可分的整體的有序性。這一整體與各個展開的個體同時共存。所以宇宙就如同一張巨大的全息 圖,它的各個部份既包含於整體之中,而整體亦包含於個體之中。身體中的每一個細胞都隱含這整個宇宙。
韓國人鄭潤在其《微塵中的無限宇宙》一書的「分形宇宙論」中寫道,萊布尼茨發表了叫做單子論(Monadology)思想。那是一種宇宙由無數個單子 (monad)構成,每一個單子裡有一個完整的宇宙。即一個粒子如果在其裡面又包含著一個完整的宇宙,那麼,那個宇宙會由更小的無數個粒子構成,而在那每 一個粒子裡面又會有其他更小的宇宙。
斯坦福大學的腦神經學家卡爾‧普里布拉姆(Karl Pribram)研究腦部是如何儲存記憶的,他被全像式結構模型所吸引。許多研究顯示,記憶的儲存不是單獨地限於特定區域,而是分散於整個腦部。在 1920年代的一連串歷史性的實驗中,腦部科學家卡爾.拉甚利(Karl Lashley)發現不管老鼠腦部的甚麼部位被割除,都不會影響它的記憶,仍舊能表現手術前所學到的複雜技能。

佛道學說 超前揭示宇宙之奧秘

迪帕克‧喬普拉(Deepak Chopra)是《時代週刊》20世紀世界最有影響力的100位人物之一,也是杜克大學醫學中心的教授,他在《赫芬頓郵報》的博文「你的大腦就是宇宙」中,也引用了《自然》雜誌的這個研究。
喬普拉提到了古老的印度宗教的宇宙觀——「因為是最小的,所以也是最大的」(As is the smallest, so is the greatest)。喬普拉說, 如果我們承認每一個系統都是由反饋迴路、動態平衡和持續的自我組織驅動的,那麼現代科學的認識就又完全回歸到了這一古老的智慧。

末季净利飙82% 联合马六甲派息16仙


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Google Translate partners

  1. European Patent Office

    The European Patent Office (EPO) and Google have been working together to develop Patent Translate, a translation service optimised for patent documents. The EPO's Espacenet website provides free access to millions of patent documents worldwide, and its users can use Patent Translate to read patents from around the world in their own language.
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标题:Weida (个股分析)
这公司透过一些业务调整, 手上拥有大笔现金, 然后进军房地产.
进军房地产的模式有点像当年的马星, 但比较起资产负债表, WEIDA 要强很多了. 而且它还有原本的主要业务支撑, 源源不断的现金流入.
今天我就表面带过, 有兴趣的就自己研究.
~公司原本的业务看似复杂, 其实却一脉相连, 有协同作用, 除了电讯塔是例外. 但这电讯塔的业务却是里头最好赚的.
~WEIDA 进军房地产的第一炮就是 ARA DSARA. 大至上算是已经卖完了. 年底会再推出 MONT KIARA 的 PROJECT.
它地皮不多, 但快买快卖, 模式很像马星,而且公司现金大把, 可以很轻易的把它的房地产吊高来卖, 地点又是属于高档的. 这一点, 它比当年的马星强. 所以, 我预测它的利润应该不错.
Q2 & Q3 的业绩差, 恰恰就是机会. 因为很多开销都往那两个季度去了. 而 Q4, 业绩就明显回归.
简单的说, 如果用 Q1 & Q4 的正常业绩来看, WEIDA 都已经算是低估了.
这里我想起了当年的 GTRONIC. 当年 GTRONIC 在年报提起, 公司已经花了 120M, 设备已经齐全. 这是什么意思?
就是接下来不会再有大花费, 也就是说收割的时间到了.
就在这里打住. 有兴趣, 就大家一起挖料再研究. 我是干上


Author: Tan KW   |   Publish date: Fri, 27 Jun 12:07

2014-06-27 11:32
金融莊家呼風喚雨,在股市擁有數十億、數百億的資金,他的目標總是集中在特定的交易中。他能夠買下心目中的股票或公司,甚至扳倒掛牌公司不滿意的管理層, 把它拆散重組,變成自己滿意的公司。他的交易總是毫不留情,買賣都會導致大地震,影響整個證券市場,一般金融市場稱他為大鱷。


Author: Tan KW   |   Publish date: Fri, 27 Jun 12:07

2014-06-27 11:33
同時也擔心美國Q E收水退場對歐洲所引起的震盪,全球更多游資回流美國市場,疲弱的歐洲也將受到衝擊,即在可預見的未來,相信歐洲經濟可能還要疲弱一陣,誰還想要靠歐洲的經濟體,可要多多保重。
隨著多國在拯救經濟危機或劣勢時,皆採取非正規經濟手法,使全球經濟情況變得更為复雜難測,使市場或經濟應跌不跌,應起不起,或甚至是不跌反起,及應起反 跌等,往往令許多傳統經濟專家大跌眼鏡。歐元區打出最新的一招,其對全球市場引起甚麼樣的效應,看來還得靜觀其變吧!(星洲日報/焦點評析:李文龍)


1.芭雅岛(Pulau Payar)
1.1 1.2
水温:25-32 °C
特色:神仙鱼(Angel Fish)、蝴蝶鱼(Butterfly Fish)、海蛞蝓(Nudibranch)
前往路线:从浮罗交怡岛坐船30km就会到达芭雅岛海洋生态区(Pulau Payar Marine Park)。建议住在浮罗交怡岛上。
2.热浪岛(Redang Island)
2.1 2.2
乐浪岛的好不用多说,清澈的海水、优美的日落、完美无瑕的珊瑚群以及高度安全就让它成了世界闻名的 海岛。岛屿周边水质清澈,至少有20个适合进行水肺深潜与外海浮潜的地点。只要潜入深约1至1.5公尺的海水内,就可以体验被五彩缤纷的热带鱼团团包围的 感觉。如果不喜欢潜水,热浪岛也有丰富的林产及漂亮沙滩,适合进行丛林健行、划船、游泳等活动。上、正午走在沙滩上,不用下水,阳光穿透海水之时,就能望 见珊瑚、海葵和鱼类的身影。如果搭飞机去的话,上机前可以拍照上传面子书,不过记得打上“Bye Malaysia”。
水温:27 -31.5 ° C
特色:玳瑁( Hawksbill turtles)、斑点鹰魟(Eagle rays)
前往路线:从Merang Jetty坐船45分钟即可抵达。
3.浪中岛(Lang Tengah Island)
3.1 3.2
特色:珊瑚礁(coral reefs)、条纹斑竹鲨(bamboo sharks)、鯙鱼(moray eels)
前往路线:从 Tanjung Merang搭渡轮大约30分钟即可到达。
4.刁曼岛(Tioman Island)
4.1 4.2
前往路线:从mersing到tioman坐船全程历时1小时20分,会停留Genting、Paya、Tekek、Salang四个点。从吉隆坡也有Berjaya Air直飞Tekek的班机。
5.棉花岛(Kapas Island)
 5.1 5.2
棉花岛位于丁加奴东部外海,全岛长度仅2公里,宽仅1公里,但麻雀虽小五脏俱全,棉花岛也是半岛东 岸颇具知名度的潜水地点。棉花岛距离渔村Marang只有6km,如果天气好,从小渔村即可远观岛屿。由于地理位置接近半岛陆地、岛上自然资源也很丰富, 因此仍有不少游客会前往此岛进行浮潜、潜水、日光浴、森林探险、观鸟等休闲活动。
潜水深度:3-20 m
水温:25-30 °C
特色:鱼群(reef fishes)、条纹斑竹鲨(bamboo sharks)
6.停泊岛(Perhentian Island)
 6.1 6.2
图片来源:birxisrtwtrip aswetalk
停泊岛是西马最著名的潜水胜地之一,与热浪岛同在一个海洋生态保护区(Pulau Redang Marine Park),主要由Pulau Perhentian Besar和Pulau Perhentian Kecil两岛屿组成。岛上覆盖着茂密的原始丛林,婆娑摇曳的棕榈树和柔软洁白的沙滩,海底也遍布色彩斑斓的珊瑚群,有超过15个潜水点,是潜水、帆板、 划艇、深海垂钓、观鸟的绝佳地点。
特色:黑尾鲨(Black tip Sharks)、大理石魟( Marble rays)
前往路线:从Kuala Besut坐船30分钟即可抵达。
7.Pulau Chebeh
7.1 7.2
Pulau Chebeh是一座位于刁曼岛附近的岛屿,锋芒不像刁曼岛那样为人所知,但拥有的海洋资源却可以与其相媲美!岛屿下方的海洋有海底岩洞,存在着完整丰富的珊瑚礁,海水清晰度高,海底生物、海扇与硬珊瑚相映成趣,非常值得一游!
前往路线:从Salang搭船出发,大约历时30分钟。或从刁曼岛的Tekek与Air Batang都有船到达此岛!


店租减半乏人问津 巴生市区待「打救」

地方 2014年4月9日
顏庭釧 报导




























往煎好的培根上浇蜂糖啊。 虽然是个很猎奇的吃法。我第壹次见人吃还被吓到了。 但是真的很好吃啊。




























用牛奶泡立顿红茶包微波炉加热 口感好得秒杀壹切。

葡萄冷冻成硬的之后好剥皮又好吃 。






小土豆煮过压扁放烤箱里烤 出来再撒盐 外皮香脆的让人颤抖。













煮泡面的时候可以加个番茄切碎放进去煮或者直接丢适量的番茄酱。 好吃到升天。特别是煮老坛酸菜泡面。









红薯洗干净放微波炉里中到大火转9分钟 就是外面卖的烤红薯啊超级好吃的。









“As at the date of this announcement, the Phase 2 review is still ongoing and is not anticipated to be completed by 1 July 2014”.

“JobStreet and SEEK Asia Investments Pte Ltd are in discussions to agree on an extension to the Long Stop Date.”

 “the Proposed Disposals are now expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2014”

4)由于脱售的时间延长,JOBST的整体业务表现也越来越好,因此脱售价格或许会有调整。当然是比现有的RM1,730 mil价格再调高一些,以放映JOBST目前蒸蒸日上的业务。这算是好消息吧?
“an adjustment to the consideration given the improved operational performance of JobStreet since a valuation of MYR1,730 million was agreed”


Author: PublicInvest   |   Publish date: Fri, 27 Jun 09:52

In 3QFY14, Gamuda registered a net profit of RM177.9m (+4.6% QoQ, +149.2% YoY), driven by double digit growth of its construction and property divisions. YTD, the Group netted RM513.5m (+37% YoY) in net profit which was within our and consensus full year estimates. Recall that 3QFY13 was dragged down by arbitral provisions of RM113.0m. Performance-wise, the Group‟s YTD net profit constituted 77% and 74% on our and consensus estimates. We understand that the possibility of a satisfactory resolution for SPLASH is imminent now, given that WASIA (S114) will no longer be invoked after the acceptance by the Puncak Group recently. With the intervention from the Federal Governement, we believe Gamuda might just get a fair offer for its water assets, i.e. at book value (RM2.54bn), which could prevent a massive financial loss of c.RM920m. A second interim single-tier dividend of 6 sen was proposed, bringing YTD dividend to 12 sen.
Construction division is solely driven by KVMRT Line 1 (SBK Line), with the outstanding orderbook at RM2.3bn in Q3FY14 (from 2.7bn in Q2). PBT for the construction division improved to 9.1% from 7.7% in Q2 as tunneling works progressing well within schedule. We understand that the major upcoming milestone for the project is the completion of karstic limestone (the most challenging part of tunneling works) tunneling in a month‟s time. After which, initial handover to systems specialists should take place once the elevated guideways are completed. The cumulative financial progress on the underground works and PDP scope stood at 45% and 30% respectively. We understand major contract awards for MRT 2 (RM25bn) will commence by early-2016.
Property sales target of RM1.9bn should be within reach, despite the slowdown of sales especially in Iskandar Malaysia. Property PBT margins remained steady at 26%. During the quarter, Gamuda achieved new sales of RM500m, bringing YTD new sales to RM1.5bn or 83% of its sales target. Key projects driving the sales are Horizon Hills (45%), Bandar Botanic (30%) and Robertson (12%). We understand that Horizon Hills experienced a slowdown in sales (sales dropped 20% YoY) due to the cooling measures and oversupply concerns in Iskandar Malaysia. Unbilled sales remained healthy at RM1.8bn.
Maintain Neutral and our TP of RM4.90, pegged on parity with our sum-of-the-parts (SOTP) valuation. Earnings estimates are kept unchanged for now as we believe the Group could see its property margins to be slightly squeezed due to GST costs as evident by recent provisions reported by a few property developers
Source: PublicInvest Research - 27 Jun 2014

PWORTH - 唉,就这样子被炒起来了~

先声名一下,这只PRICE WORTH International (PWORTH, 7123)和我之前写的那篇“深埋在山谷的宝剑”无关,呵呵~ 得先声明,以免弄错!
为何小陈会写关于PWORTH这只股呢?其中一个原因当然是这只股这个星期非常活跃,成交量也很高,被炒起来了。到底是什么原因导致PWORTH的价格在这个星期被炒高了呢?很大原因来自于上周六,621日,刊登在The Star的这篇文章:
没想到,就这么一篇报道就把价格也给炒起来了!真恨The Star为何不早一点刊登这篇文章呢?这么冷门的股,如果没有声誉好一点的报章刊登,确实很难信服。
其实在购买IDEAL Sun City之前,小陈特别喜爱这只PWORTH。前景应该很不错,但需要几年的工夫才能见效,详细内容可以从The Star的报章获取资料。
那小陈钟爱这只PWORTH到什么程度呢?呵呵~ 如果大家有注意,这只PWORTH还有一只凭单PWORTH-WA。凭单的内在价值,目前是一张废纸,不值一提。但如果PWORTH在接下来几年业绩有改善的话,这只PWORTH-WA应该会很不错。就捉住这个点,小陈就疯狂的在市场购入PWORTH-WA啦,一只目前还不值一文的凭单,因为母股价格还低于凭单的行驶价格。

疯狂购入到什么程度呢?有注意PWORTH最新的年报 (Annual Report 2013) 的朋友,应该可以看到小陈的名字也出现在Top 30 Warrant Holdings列表里面,哇哈哈~
3)第一次持股出现在公司的年报里(Top 30 Largest Shareholders)。
虽然不是什么风光的记录,但也很不错了~ 手中持有的股份和公司的Managing Director – Lim Nyuk Foh差不多,竟然比老板更有信心?哈哈~ 好像有点疯了!凭单专家-温世麟也持PWORTH-WA,持股比小陈多一些些~
直至另一只更吸引人的股项出现,小陈就一股脑儿把PWORTH-WA出货了。呵呵~ 所以说啊,The Star为何不提早几个月刊登这篇PWORTH的文章呢?唉,没办法,手头上资金有限啊,所以往往没有Holding Power… 男人就是这么花心,32意,哇哈哈~