
CARiNG Pharmacy - A Subdued 4Q

Author: kiasutrader   |   Publish date: Fri, 1 Aug 09:25

Caring  Pharmacy’s  (Caring)  FY14  results  fell  short  of  our  and consensus  estimates.  Net  profit  declined  79.4%  q-o-q  due  to  a  sharp increase in operating cost and losses from new outlets .  We downgrade the  stock  to  NEUTRAL  (from  Buy),  with  a  lower  FV  of  MYR1.95,  after cutting  our  FY15  earnings  estimate  by  24.0%  to  incorporate  lower revenue from new outlets and higher operating costs.
Coming in short. Caring’s FY14  earnings missed estimates, making up only  70-75%  of  our  and  consensus’  forecasts.  While  the  company’s revenue grew  8.1% q-o-q,  net profit contracted  79.4% q-o-q,  mainly due to:  i)  lower  profit  margin  from  sales  and  promotions,  ii)  lower  selling prices  due to competition, iii) higher operating costs,  and iv) losses from new outlets as  well as  impairment charges  from  existing outlets.  It has declared an interim dividend of 1.5 sen for the quarter under review.
Increasing  competition.  We  gather  from  management  that  it  recently opened  its  99th  outlet,  including  two  new  outlets  in  KLIA2.  With  thesenew stores,  Caring  looks on track to meet its  initial target of 12-15 new outlets  for 2014, adding  11  new outlets  versus  the  88  in total  as at  Dec2013. The expansion is in line with rising demand for health products, as well as allows the group to compete with its peers.
Forecast  changes.  We  cut  our  FY15  earnings  forecast  by  24.0%  to MYR21.6m (from MYR28.4m) to factor in  the  lower  revenue contribution and higher start-up costs from new outlets. We also introduce our FY16 forecast  for  a  19.0%  y-o-y  earnings  growth,  bolstered  by  an  expected increase in revenue contribution from  Caring’s  existing outlets and new outlets opened in 2014-15.
Risks.  We  believe  the key downside risks are: i)  a  scarcity of certified pharmacists,  ii)  the  extended  gestation  period  for  new  outlets,  and  iii) increasing competition from retail pharmacy peers.
Downgrade  to  NEUTRAL,  with  lower  MYR1.95  FV.  Following  our earnings revision, we  downgrade our  call  to NEUTRAL,  with a lower FV of  MYR1.95  (from  MYR2.48),  still  pegged  to  an  unchanged  18x  CY15 EPS  –  at  a discount to  the  larger healthcare stocks  that are  trading  at 20x-30x P/Es. We believe Caring’s margins will remain under pressure in the near  term,  owing  to  its  ongoing expansion  and fierce  competition. A stable earnings performance and  margin improvement are key  re-rating catalysts for the stock.

Sourcel: RHB

