
Buy more PMCORP this month @ 0.215

PMCorp has drop to nearterm low of 0.21 recently, congrats to those buy in, now should be earning well. Nothing change, yet it has drop from my last purchase earlier RM0.25 to now 0.21, so I've decided to add more with more confident as now RM0.21 is its Net-Net value.

Look at some purchases earlier, OSK has moved up to RM1.7+, which I think more to go when market discover its undervalue. RHBCap now RM8.40, more to come if it does acquire MBSB. RM10 is longterm price target, I think it is achievable, by then OSK should near RM2.50-RM3.00. Remember OSK still has valuable lands, buy more when market correction come in future.

PMCorp moves from RM0.21 to recently RM0.225, think can continue to hold for higher price. As long as profit and operation in tact, it should be ok to hold and buy more.

ILB has been quite volatile for me. It spike to RM0.92 high when some articles publish, yet after realizing a mistake, people sell. Then came back down to RM0.75-0.79. And now back to RM0.80. I believe it will slowly stable at around RM0.80, its net cash position now, excluding its assets in global. Remember it has still some valuable assets which the market totally ignore. Should company find back a growing operational business, it should do well in future. My target is at least RM2+ for this.

Some other stocks I studied are MPCorp, FACBind,Hovid. Yet I did not write them in details here as I have some setback as I don't feel comfortable on the management team as yet, and it is not right for me to recommend them if I myself don't have huge holdings as yet.

Sell In May, Go Away? Would this happen this year now?

