
Introduction - Get Cursor Position

Return your cursor position coordinates with this VBA macro. Play around and use this to map out mouse movements for all your fun macro mouse control scripts.


Get Mouse Position

Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" (lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
' Create custom variable that holds two integers
   Xcoord As Long
   Ycoord As Long
End Type

Sub GetCursorPosDemo()
Dim llCoord As POINTAPI
' Get the cursor positions
GetCursorPos llCoord
' Display the cursor position coordinates
MsgBox "X Position: " & llCoord.Xcoord & vbNewLine & "Y Position: " & llCoord.Ycoord
End Sub


The VBA macro, GetCursorPosDemo, takes advantage of the user32.dll library and our custom data type, POINTAPI, to return your cursor position in a messagebox. The user32 library can do many things! In addition to returning your cursor coordinates, you can use it to click your mouse and change your cursor position.
Do you want to read more about the user32.dll library? Check out my mouse control article.
All you have to do to get this macro to work is:
  1. Create a New Module in your VBA Editor
  2. Paste the Cursor Position Example into your new Module
  3. Run the Macro GetCursorPosDemo
That’s it! You’re finished! Hai finito! When you run your macro, you’ll get a popup messagebox, like the one below:
VBA Macro Get Cursor Position
Each time you move your mouse and rerun the macro, a new messagebox will report your current cursor location. This is quite handy when you’re, let’s say, trying to program a way to beat an online game in record time. I may or not be speaking from experience. *crickets chirp*Use it, but don’t abuse it!

Application Ideas

If you’re trying to map a long series of consecutive mouse movements, here’s a cool suggestion: Modify the above code to copy the following string directly to your clipboard.
"SetCursorPos " & llCoord.Xcoord & ", " & llCoord.Ycoord
Once you get it set up with your clipboard, you can use copy and paste to quickly recreate a series of mouse movements. Leave me a comment if you need help setting this up with your clipboard.


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