Code snippet to show the usage of the ABAP Call Transformation to transform the data easily into the excel format by XML and download it.
DATA: t_t100 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t100. DATA: lv_xml TYPE STRING. DATA: lo_xml_doc TYPE REF TO cl_xml_document. * SELECT * FROM t100 INTO TABLE t_t100 UP TO 100 ROWS WHERE SPRSL EQ sy-langu. * CALL TRANSFORMATION ID SOURCE data_node = t_t100 RESULT XML lv_xml. * CREATE OBJECT lo_xml_doc. lo_xml_doc->parse_string( lv_xml ). lo_xml_doc->export_to_file( 'c:tempt100.xls' ).
Opening up the file in excel:
File as XML
Remove VERSION from the File
DATA: t_t100 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t100. DATA: lv_xml TYPE STRING. DATA: lo_xml_doc TYPE REF TO cl_xml_document. * SELECT * FROM t100 INTO TABLE t_t100 UP TO 100 ROWS WHERE SPRSL EQ sy-langu. * CALL TRANSFORMATION ID SOURCE data_node = t_t100 RESULT XML lv_xml. * REPLACE FIRST OCCURRENCE OF '<asx:abap xmlns:asx="" version="1.0">' IN lv_xml WITH '<asx:abap xmlns:asx="">'. * CREATE OBJECT lo_xml_doc. lo_xml_doc->parse_string( lv_xml ). lo_xml_doc->export_to_file( 'c:tempt100.xls' ).
No more version column:
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Due to this, the document wont open in excel.
Naimesh Patel