
Guinness 2014 3Q Report 差强人意,看看管理层怎么说.

Group revenue declined 15.8% to RM372.5 million compared to the corresponding quarter last year. This was mainly due to lower sales in line with market softness and the timing of Chinese New Year sales which was earlier this year compared to last year. The market has softened as consumers have reduced spending due to inflationary pressure. Company sales was also affected by the poor weather conditions and the negative tourist sentiment.


而且我认为,马航事件,沙巴事件将会导致游客减少,GST 实行又会让消费者减少消费,还有一系列的成本提升,这些都是打击 Guinness 的因素。

不只是 Guinness,我想消费股都将会面临一个严峻的挑战。

注: 2014 3Q Report 可以到 Bursa Malaysia 下载


照片:Guinness 2014 3Q Report 差强人意,看看管理层怎么说.

Group revenue declined 15.8% to RM372.5 million compared to the corresponding quarter last year. This was mainly due to lower sales in line with market softness and the timing of Chinese New Year sales which was earlier this year compared to last year. The market has softened as consumers have reduced spending due to inflationary pressure. Company sales was also affected by the poor weather conditions and the negative tourist sentiment.


而且我认为,马航事件,沙巴事件将会导致游客减少,GST 实行又会让消费者减少消费,还有一系列的成本提升,这些都是打击 Guinness 的因素。

不只是 Guinness,我想消费股都将会面临一个严峻的挑战。

注: 2014 3Q Report 可以到 Bursa Malaysia 下载


  • calculate !!!
  • Yee Min 如果是消费影响,接下来更不乐观。。 国家旅游因为马航事件下降,对他更是雪上加霜。。唯一的亮点是6月世界杯。。。 等一等“ 皇帽” 的成绩出来,才可比较,看是大环境的影响,还是营业上出现了转变。。。

