
All Things Mathematical, Abstract And Art

Thursday, February 13, 2014

How to estimate future growth rate? 如何预测未来增长率?

当我们要预测未来的增长率,有好几种方法,通常比较准确的会用复杂的定量方法(Quantitative Methods)比如时间序列(Time Series)来估计未来值。
时间序列(Time Series)有很多种方法,最常见的有5种:
指数平滑法(Exponential SmoothingES)
自回归滑动平均模型(Autoregressive Moving Average, ARMA)
差分自回归滑动平均模型(Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average, ARIMA)
自回归条件异方差模型(Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity model, ARCH)
广义自回归条件异方差模型(Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity, GARCH)
这些方法都是根据统计系统观测得到的数据估计法,并纠正了统计数据里的一些样本容量误差(Sample Size Error),异常值(Outlier)和周期性的变化(Seasonal Volatility)

但我认为以上那些方法太过复杂耗时,因此还是用比较简单的统计法比如简易平均值法(Simple Average)来算出未来值。

用个例子以过去5年营业额(Revenue)增长率再用Simple Average值来算出未来的增长率:

2009 = 5%
2010 = 6%
2011 = 80%
2012 = -1%
2013 = 12%

Future Growth Rate = (5% + 6% + 80% - 1% + 12%)/5 = 20.4%


Adjusted Future Growth Rate = (5% + 6% - 1% + 12%)/4 = 5.5%

5.5%视乎较为合理的反映未来的增长。然而我认为Simple Average有个不足的一点是因为它是等权重(Equally Weighted),意味着过去5年的每一年增长率都是对未来值的影响程度是对等的,这可有点不够实用。我认为最近几年的数值对未来值的影响最大,而较远之前的数值的影响最小,就想到了用加权平均法(Weighted Average)来估算未来值。Weighted Average的算法是为每年各自设定能反映它们对未来的比重因子(Weighted Factor),将各自的比重乘于它们各自的增长率,然后将这些加权增长率总和算出未来值。以下是Weighted Average的算法:

2009 = 5% (Weighted Factor = 1)
2010 = 6% (Weighted Factor = 2)
2011 = 80% (Weighted Factor = 3)
2012 = -1% (Weighted Factor = 4)
2013 = 12% (Weighted Factor = 5)

Total Weighted Factor = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5) = 15

Future Growth Rate = [(1 * 5%)/15] + [(2 * 6%)/15] + [(3* 80%)/15] - [(4 * 1%)/15] + [(5 * 12%)/15] = 20.87%

如果将2011年异常的80%增长率排除出去,那调整的Weighted Average算法如下:

2009 = 5% (Weighted Factor = 1)
2010 = 6% (Weighted Factor = 2)
2011 = 80% (Weighted Factor = 0)
2012 = -1% (Weighted Factor = 3)
2013 = 12% (Weighted Factor = 4)

Total Weighted Factor = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) = 10

Adjusted Future Growth Rate = [(1 * 5%)/10] + [(2 * 6%)/10] + [(0 * 80%)/10] - [(3 * 1%)/10] + [(4 * 12%)/10] = 6.2%

可以看出Adjusted Weighted Average算出的未来值是6.2%Adjusted Simple Average算出的5.5%是有些差距的。我认为Adjusted Weighted Average算出来的数值能反映出现实中较能持续的数值,所以我将这种未来估计法称为‘可持续加权平均法’(Maintainable Weighted Average)

还有我要强调的就是统计学毕竟是以过去数据为依据 来算出未来值,但是如果公司面临着结构性的改变就意味着以往所经历过的数据不一定会在将来重复,所以请勿死板的用方程模式来算未来值,要懂得变通做出弹性 的调整。请记住约翰.梅纳德.凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)曾说过‘我宁愿要模糊的正确也不要精确的错误'("It's better to be roughly right than precisely wrong")

