
CIMB has been ranked No. 1

CIMB has been ranked No. 1 in Malaysia and fourth in Asean in Brand Finance's annual ranking of the world's 500 most valuable banking brands, with an improved brand value of US$2.041 billion (RM6.7 billion).
CIMB contributed 29 per cent of the US$7.11 billion brand value commanded by Malaysian banks, Brand Finance said yesterday.
It is also the only bank in Asia (excluding Japan) to be awarded the "AAA-" rating, a benchmark that is similar to a credit rating but instead reflects the strength, risk and potential of a brand relative to its competitors.
The Brand Finance's Banking 500 is an annual ranking of the most valuable brands in banking, conducted by leading brand valuation consultancy, Brand Finance.
The results were published in its latest edition of "The Banker" magazine.
Brand Finance Asia Pacific managing director Samir Dixit said CIMB is a growing brand with strong fundamentals.
"It is the only bank in Asia (excluding Japan) to have a 'AAA' brand strength rating. The 'AAA' rating is enjoyed by only 18 banks worldwide, so this is a fantastic achievement," he said.
The brand consultant also highlighted that CIMB is among the top five banks in Asean with a brand value exceeding US$2 billion.
Samir said given the tough competition in the banking sector in the region, the brand will play a very crucial role in the overall success of a bank and that is where CIMB will likely benefit more than others.
CIMB Group chief marketing and communications officer Effendy Shahul Hamid said Brand Finance's recognition was based on the success of the uniquely Asean position of CIMB businesses where brand was taken seriously.
Effendy said with an enlarged presence in Asean, CIMB had embarked on a more concerted effort in building up its brand equity and adopted a more cohesive regional branding strategy.
"The move is in tandem with CIMB's aspiration of becoming a leading banking franchise in Asean, and we look forward to delivering differentiated solutions to our customers across the region and beyond," he added.



以下是官方发布的Windows 7操作系统快捷键的应用解释:

1. 轻松访问键盘快捷方式HDzone+~ A D/O H }
? S

  按住右Shift 八秒钟: 启用和关闭筛选键
T Y'U4w ^ M J
  按左 Alt+左 Shift+PrtScn(或 PrtScn):启用或关闭高对比度 _        q P l P {
B7l3v g#|5F
  按左 Alt+左 Shift+Num Lock :启用或关闭鼠标键2q%m'T Y!_ M7^1g
P P z a5L g y
  按 Shift 五次: 启用或关闭粘滞键HDzone1n x X x%J m J O

  按住 Num Lock 五秒钟:启用或关闭切换键
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  Windows 徽标键 + U : 打开轻松访问中心www.hdzone.org&t0E.M \ ] ] Z
+y ^-g0h u ?2G7O
2. 常规键盘快捷方式
F s } b ~-H
  F1 显示帮助.g e%l"| r)M J
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  Ctrl+C  复制选择的项目
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  Ctrl+X  剪切选择的项目-R w"M4V p6I;]

  Ctrl+V  粘贴选择的项目
  Ctrl+Z  撤消操作

  Ctrl+Y  重新执行某项操作
&M S.[ f7a1[0e
  Delete  删除所选项目并将其移动到“回收站”
m v"y X m ? @ O

  Shift+Delete  不先将所选项目移动到“回收站”而直接将其删除
!P ? x+a x a P
  F2 重命名选定项目 s:J f N y
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  Ctrl+向右键 将光标移动到下一个字词的起始处
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  Ctrl+向左键 将光标移动到上一个字词的起始处 U
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  Ctrl+向上键 将光标移动到上一个段落的起始处
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  Ctrl+Shift 加某个箭头键 选择一块文本
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  Shift 加任意箭头键 在窗口中或桌面上选择多个项目,或者在文档中选择文本HDzone D }$k9l9O _ b

  Ctrl 加任意箭头键+空格键 选择窗口中或桌面上的多个单个项目
s e e:| J![&y
  Ctrl+A 选择文档或窗口中的所有项目

  F3 搜索文件或文件夹

  Alt+Enter 显示所选项的属性 I {+[ \ L f
www.hdzone.org8{2S%m A ]
  Alt+F4 关闭活动项目或者退出活动程序
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  Alt+空格键 为活动窗口打开快捷方式菜单
HDzone y5c.X&D6\ \ L M4X a
  Ctrl+F4 关闭活动文档(在允许同时打开多个文档的程序中)www.hdzone.org w C4V"` a!h h-i [

  Alt+Tab 在打开的项目之间切换#O(C h R x ? @,U H

  Ctrl+Alt+Tab 使用箭头键在打开的项目之间切换
HDzone Z&Y m$a F R z ? n
  Ctrl+鼠标滚轮 更改桌面上的图标大小
z w:A

  Windows 徽标键 + Tab 使用 Aero Flip 3-D 循环切换任务栏上的程序 t&q Z G X"l N pQ

  Ctrl + Windows 徽标键 + Tab 通过 Aero Flip 3-D 使用箭头键循环切换任务栏上的程序
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  Alt+Esc 以项目打开的顺序循环切换项目1n G0t5U)u H ^ n v

  F6 在窗口中或桌面上循环切换屏幕元素
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  F4 在 Windows 资源管理器中显示地址栏列表 V;q M,a S7i ^)r

  Shift+F10 显示选定项目的快捷菜单

  Ctrl+Esc 打开「开始」菜单        Q&P u&L o,N
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  Alt+加下划线的字母 显示相应的菜单HDzone7p#` ] ].n k
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  Alt+加下划线的字母 执行菜单命令(或其他有下划线的命令)5| v |
a a&f G

  F10 激活活动程序中的菜单栏 q D:P ? t(H s9h
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  向右键 打开右侧的下一个菜单或者打开子菜单 v N {_%j2p

  向左键 打开左侧的下一个菜单或者关闭子菜单
-{ } j*{ ] F l)U
  F5 刷新活动窗口

  Alt+向上键 在 Windows 资源管理器中查看上一级文件夹

  Esc 取消当前任务www.hdzone.org
h | B j P7M"B y9y

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  Ctrl+Shift+Esc 打开任务管理器
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  插入 CD 时按住 Shift 阻止 CD 自动播放3B"? L R v \:S e ^'N
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3. 对话框键盘快捷方式 `
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  Ctrl+Tab  在选项卡上向前移动'Z R A9^
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  Shift+Tab  在选项上向后移动
z-} Q,J7F&h
  Alt+加下划线的字母  执行与该字母匹配的命令(或选择选项)

  Enter  对于许多选定命令代替单击鼠标

  空格键 如果活动选项是复选框,则选中或清除该复选框
4H#{        Y Y,?
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  箭头键 如果活动选项是一组选项按钮,则选择某个按钮www.hdzone.org#B'r/J c;_ t/a2O
] D g+T)q h6L Z
  F1 显示帮助
www.hdzone.org1y j:J3y n(n
  F4 显示活动列表中的项目

  Backspace 如果在“另存为”或“打开”对话框中选中了某个文件夹,则打开上一级文件夹www.hdzone.org o$^(A$Z"c J
/i i Y4V o G
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4. Windows 徽标键相关的快捷键2o H5u ? c Y ~3k _ v

  Windows徽标键就是显示为Windows旗帜,或标有文字Win或Windows的按键,以下简称Win键。XP时代有4个经典的 Win 键组合:R/E/F/L。到了 Win7,花样更多了。
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  Win + Pause:显示系统属性对话框 j v!R R9F m!X&i.d
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  Win + D:显示桌面'C h'L9u V)q z:w R ^ n
f0e{ H Q

  Win + M:最小化所有窗口
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z8k { F

  Win + SHIFT + M:还原最小化窗口到桌面上HDzone:{ B m:s&t*Y c } v u \(M7?

  Win + E:打开我的电脑!o3Y        l1J/K"R u
} X3{1Z K Z:k h%v+o
  Win + F:搜索文件或文件夹
HDzone1E D r;g
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  Ctrl + Win + F:搜索计算机(如果您在网络上)

  Win + L:锁定您的计算机或切换用户www.hdzone.org&| p c7| e;n S
www.hdzone.org { I!d q8n B
  Win + R:打开运行对话框
|*_ k:Z _ a
  Win + T:切换任务栏上的程序(感觉是和alt+ESC 一样 )6w
m$z'x ^1r { t'z

  Win + 数字:让位于任务栏指定位置(按下的数字作为序号)的程序,新开一个实例。(感觉这个比较新颖,貌似快速启动。) Shift + Windows logo key +number:Start a new instance of the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number
W/A+W5Y R m&X1T3T
  Ctrl + Win + 数字:让位于任务栏指定位置(按下的数字作为序号)的程序,切换到上一次的活动窗口。 Ctrl+Windows logo key +number:Switch to the last active window of the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number3z(]s [ W A7j
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  ALT + Win + 数字:让位于任务栏指定位置(按下的数字作为序号)的程序,显示跳转清单。 Alt+Windows logo key +number: Open the Jump List for the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number(S z/m)Q B2M
q+l v q PS:`;T*?$C
  Win + TAB:循环切换任务栏上的程序并使用的Aero三维效果
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  Ctrl + Win + TAB:使用方向键来循环循环切换任务栏上的程序,并使用的Aero三维效果)o G;m A-L ? d
1@ d,J        B R A#U
  按Ctrl + Win + B:切换到在通知区域中显示信息的程序
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  Win + 空格:预览桌面www.hdzone.org        L p x P&f u

  Win + ↑:最大化窗口HDzone0s,y \ X Q _ o v [

  Win + ↓:最小化窗口
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+O'_ | t!d,g M!}'n C
  Win + →:最大化窗口到右侧的屏幕上 |,{'m n w W.T w S

  Win + Home:最小化所有窗口,除了当前激活窗口 Y4_8@ M*}/S Q*} ] k

  Win+ SHIFT + ↑:拉伸窗口的到屏幕的顶部和底部

  Win+ SHIFT + →/←:移动一个窗口,从一个显示器到另一个

  Win + P:选择一个演示文稿显示模式

  Win + G:循环切换侧边栏的小工具4g3H ~ Q X n"o(^!Y
e B7B%T;n"V {
  Win + U:打开轻松访问中心

  Win + x:打开Windows移动中心 y r-u Y4}6R c e
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5. Windows Explorer相关快捷键
T        m H { e&Y Y
  Ctrl+N 打开新窗口0L-] |
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  Ctrl+Shift+N 新建文件夹

  End 显示活动窗口的底部%q p:N+] R Z
u ? F K&N;g!N

  Home 显示活动窗口的顶部
%Q@&Q p&h3U z
  F11 最大化或最小化活动窗口
k U)b1B O
  Num Lock+小键盘星号(*) 显示选中文件夹的所有子文件夹www.hdzone.org Z0?8^*O&H1y"Y3C
Y U;[%]7\
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  Num Lock+小键盘加号(+) 显示选中文件夹的内容HDzone/t J#P:o5J4} s7K9F Y
_,v(y4v B s @ j J f
  Num Lock+小键盘减号(-) 折叠选中文件夹+N f)j1] R F ~/v

  左方向键 折叠当前展开的选中文件夹或选中上层文件夹
%J,]$\ X4v9E V
  Alt+Enter 打开选中项目的属性对话框 u3H9r2d6m k u
5?4S |'I'`/V
  Alt+P 显示预览窗格
;k9t W r5[#m
  Alt+左方向键 切换到前一次打开的文件夹(G'o+c"k Y b R l

  右方向键 显示(展开)当前选中项目或选中第一个子文件夹
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  Alt+右方向键 切换到下一次后打开的文件夹 \ E h _#W `        C G r(V

  Alt+上方向键 打开上层文件夹www.hdzone.org&G.K u)z w n J/[ s
        G.i N b { |
  Ctrl+鼠标滚轮 改变文件和文件夹图标的大小和外观/U2b R
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  Alt+D 选中地址栏(定位到地址栏)
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  Ctrl+E 选中搜索框(定位到搜索框),S V s"y y#Y
X j n

6. 放大镜键盘快捷方式 c J \ m)s g _/r6H3\
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  Windows 徽标键 + 加号或减号 放大或缩小
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  Ctrl+Alt+空格键 显示鼠标指针 y#y ^ S

  Ctrl+Alt+F 切换到全屏模式HDzone4V        c u p)B3T        D9@ W4o$s

  Ctrl+Alt+L 切换到镜头模式www.hdzone.org y$XU%T q C)a6C'^*S$L
'L j t#i

  Ctrl+Alt+D 切换到停靠模式

  Ctrl+Alt+I 反色www.hdzone.org l;V Q-` Q1t4f X S
HDzone z0V%[
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  Ctrl+Alt+箭头键 按箭头键的方向平移 T!Q t b
U-i x#fA j

  Ctrl+Alt+R 调整镜头的大小
Z p G Q/U b8{:F:d6R y
  Windows 徽标键 + Esc 退出放大镜

7. 远程桌面相关快捷键 h6G q G h l

  Alt+Page Up 按从左向右顺序切换程序
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  Alt+Page Down 按从右向左切换程序        @%a f'a k C0G n d Z!g

  Alt+Insert 按程序打开先后顺序循环切换程序
HDzone H T U [ T0x.J S x
  Alt+Home 显示“开始”菜单(q Z
V6R1d d1k

  Ctrl+Alt+Break 在窗口模式和全屏之间切换
b K,z w/G5I,?'R _
  Ctrl+Alt+End 显示Windows安全性对话框

  Alt+Delete 显示当前窗口的系统菜单 F i4O f H B;](i-g6X

  Ctrl+Alt+-(小键盘减号) 当前活动窗口截图 r,h E c$| T-v
/v3h d%C y c-k
  Ctrl+Alt++(小键盘加号) 全屏截图www.hdzone.org | l G O E*n

  Ctrl+Alt+向右键 从远程桌面控件“跳转”到主机程序中的控件(如按钮或文本框)。将远程桌面控件嵌入到其他(主机)程序后,此功能非常有用。
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  Ctrl+Alt+向左键 从远程桌面控件“跳转”到主机程序中的控件(如按钮或文本框)。将远程桌面控件嵌入到其他(主机)程序后,此功能非常有用。

8. 画图键盘快捷方式
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  Ctrl+N 创建新的图片www.hdzone.org @,d/U^'g H        s A ?

  Ctrl+O 打开现有图片

  Ctrl+S 将更改保存到图片.? F ]2H j H

  F12 将此图片另存为新文件

  Ctrl+P 打印图片www.hdzone.org%k%c Q6F2? l N g ` G f

  Alt+F4 关闭图片及其画图窗口

  Ctrl+Z 撤消更改
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  Ctrl+Y 恢复更改

  Ctrl+A 选择整个图片 ?:B d u1F#J"x
v I K F6g P.I T ~9{
  Ctrl+X 剪切选择内容 ] U \,J+G
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  Ctrl+C 将选择内容复制到剪贴板
$x ] B4h W `,TF
  Ctrl+V 从剪贴板粘贴选择内容$z w4y:[6u V m1A#Y3u
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  向右键 将选择内容或活动图形向右移动一个像素 z b)i+Z Y x i _

  向左键 将选择内容或活动图形向左移动一个像素

  向下键 将选择内容或活动图形向下移动一个像素)E e
Y a r v

  向上键 将选择内容或活动图形向上移动一个像素,j'g)Q0}
J$M$I(U b

  Esc 取消某个选择

  Delete 删除某个选择

  Ctrl+B 粗体选择文本

  Ctrl++ 将画笔、直线或形状轮廓的宽度增加一个像素
] e;L/^ o h
  Ctrl+- 将画笔、直线或形状轮廓的宽度减少一个像素

  Ctrl+I 将所选文本改为斜体
6T:L | e)q X3l3o1b

  Ctrl+U 为所选文本添加下划线

  Ctrl+E 打开“属性”对话框+t N*k A:m D,y+Z)n

  Ctrl+W 打开“调整大小和扭曲”对话框
%E c E$T1Q!]
  Ctrl+Page Up 放大

  Ctrl+Page Down 缩小

  F11 以全屏模式查看图片

  Ctrl+R 显示或隐藏标尺

  Ctrl+G 显示或隐藏网格线
HDzone'i5Z%L%u c E
  F10 或 Alt 显示快捷键提示
.[)S/\1v L |+A
  Shift+F10 显示当前快捷菜单www.hdzone.org/K$q(G%Q/I,U a(P

  F1 打开“画图”帮助HDzone4{#J f p3z0@:v d

9. 写字板的键盘快捷方式8e q } `5Z,M,^2p'h

  Ctrl+N 新建一个文档

  Ctrl+O 打开一个现有文档

  Ctrl+S 将更改保存到文档
{ K#? F%x s| T&W C1S-Q
  F12 将此文档另存为新文件

  Ctrl+P 打印文档

  Alt+F4 关闭“写字板” r [0s@/d @ T!P#P
c"x0P { S J!]2A
  Ctrl+Z 撤消更改

  Ctrl+Y 恢复更改
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  Ctrl+A 选择整个文档

  Ctrl+X 剪切选择内容

  Ctrl+C 将选择内容复制到剪贴板HDzone({+T"u7@ is M H K4F

  Ctrl+V 从剪贴板粘贴选择内容
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  Ctrl+B 将所选文本改为粗体

  Ctrl+I 将所选文本改为斜体!N @ t+a&i
-{ Q y F b j*n
  Ctrl+U 为所选文本添加下划线HDzone \ ^+I

  Ctrl+= 使选择的文本成为下标www.hdzone.org K!Y o*G q p e c b
www.hdzone.org O5n ^ d \5?        c3F0u
  Ctrl+Shift+= 使选择的文本成为上标 { \ R o z7V V

  Ctrl+L 向左对齐文本 ` u e8c$E } M x'Q3}
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  Ctrl+E 向中心对齐文本/p:S4y h z2y1xh0e

  Ctrl+R 向右对齐文本HDzone u
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  Ctrl+J 对齐文本HDzone B j a o \:F h
www.hdzone.org _ f })m"A b(X*N
  Ctrl+1 设置单倍行距

  Ctrl+2 设置双倍行距
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  Ctrl+5 将行距设置为 1.5HDzone c7^ p l j        w8E H{ f

  Ctrl+Shift+> 增加字体大小

  Ctrl+Shift+< 减小字体大小 J+x [ l A1t o+D c
q n!_ w%K Y A#o
  Ctrl+Shift+A 将字符更改为全部使用大写字母 P M
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1)ksl之前把investment产业高估了,或者有意让政府少抽税,因为2014年政府推出RPGT就是所谓的产业盈利税,所以被逼拉低fair value下来(这个是不错出发点)



1)ksl之前把investment产业高估了,或者有意让政府少抽税,因为2014年政府推出RPGT就是所谓的产业盈利税,所以被逼拉低fair value下来(这个是不错出发点)
这个问题如上体,我还是不明白。而且公司这个quarter亏了10m,加会做做fair value adjustment跟provision,盈利也只是RM12,400,000.这个公司我认赔出厂了.等价钱更加底再来看过,管理层真的很有问题。公 司老板太贪心了,完全不顾小股东的利益,真是old china men business。等股值去到更便宜再来看,老板吃水很深。

下载 (35.85 KB)
2014-2-27 00:06



Q4产业销售比Q3少了rm98mil。再加上loss fair value和RPGT的provision rm22mil,让Q4业绩更加恶化。

有兴趣的可以看看。。 但不要尽信这些分析员的TP。 仅做参考而已 。。。 

Net profit swung from RM68.4m net profit in 3Q13 to an RM10.5m loss in 4Q13 due to fair value adjustment and provision. For FY13, full year net profit of RM172.4m made up 98% and 110% of HLIB and consensus estimates respectively.

Largely in line.

None, in line with our expectations.

Yoy results: 4Q revenue growth was flattish (-4.4% yoy) but net profit swung from RM39.0m in 4Q12 to RM10.5m net loss in 4Q13. KSL attributes this deterioration in earnings to: (1) The loss arising from fair value adjustment of RM9.4m on investment properties; and (2) Provision of deferred taxation for RPGT of approximately RM13m.

Qoq revenue: Sharp sequential decline in revenue (-44% qoq), as 3Q revenue was exceptionally strong at RM217m, which KSL attributed to: (1) higher take up rate and percentages of completion of existing on-going and completed mixed development projects, especially in Johor Bahru and Klang; and (2) Revenue generated from hotel and mall operations.

Qoq net profit: The swing in the bottomline was even greater, from RM68.4m net profit in 3Q13 to RM10.5m net loss in 4Q13. Other than the sequential decline in 4Q13 topline, 4Q13 losses were exacerbated by one-off mentioned above.

Ceasing coverage. Access to management has been particularly difficult over the past couple of years, making it difficult for us to make meaningful earnings forecasts for KSL or to formulate a fundamental outlook. Therefore, following this final report, we cease coverage of KSL.

Execution and demand risk of Bandar Bestari, as the group's future earnings will be highly reliant on this flagship project; an overall downturn in the property sector.

Rolling over our numbers, our FY14-15 forecasts are marginally raised by 0.7%.


Positives: (1) Good proxy to IDR growth story; (2) new expansion to Klang Valley; and (3) growth in recurring investment income.

Negatives: Lack of liquidity; project concentration risk.

Given the prevailing macro and sector headwinds, we maintain discount to RNAV at 40% and keep our TP at RM2.04. HOLD



1HFY14 net profit came in within expectations at 58% and 60% of our and consensus full-year estimates.
Targets to open nine new stores in FY14 with an additional retail space of c. 110,000 sq ft (+15%).
Maintain earnings forecasts, BUY call and TP of MYR1.87, based on 12x CY14 PER.

What’s New

Padini’s 2QFY14 net profit of MYR28m (+48% YoY, +2% QoQ) brings 1HFY14 net profit to MYR56m (+26% YoY), in line with our and consensus full-year earnings forecast.
Gross profit rose 13% YoY in 1HFY14 on the back of a 10% revenue growth YoY. GP margin improved slightly by 0.9ppts to 47%. Brands Outlet posted a SSSG of more than 30% in 2QFY14 as it continues its value proposition amid a rising living costs backdrop. We understand that the Padini Concept Store recorded a SSSG of 5- 6% in 2QFY14.

What’s Our View

We maintain our FY14 net profit forecast of MYR96m as we expect a weaker 2HFY14 due to the absence of festivities to drive sales, especially in the 4Q. With the decent 1HFY14 earnings, Padini’s net profit is on track to recover to FY11 levels.
Five out of the nine new stores in FY14 are located in Miri, Seremban and Langkawi. They will provide the group with new revenue stream from the less competitive markets in the secondtier cities. Padini has opened four new stores thus far.
Maintain BUY with an unchanged TP of MYR1.87 (12x CY14 PER). Padini is the cheapest but highest yielding stock (we project 6.9% yield for FY14) within our consumer sector coverage. It declared a third interim DPS of 2.5sen for FY14 (ex- 13 Mar), lifting FY14-YTD DPS to 6.5sen, on track to meet our 11.5sen forecast for FY14
Source: Maybank Research - 27 Feb 2014

Period  2Q14/1H14
Actual vs. Expectations Padini recorded an impressive 2Q14 net profit of RM28.4m (+2.4% QoQ, +48.4% YoY) which brought its 1H14 NP to RM56.1m (+26.3% YoY).
 While the first half of the financial year is seasonally stronger, the results still exceeded expectations, at 60.0% of the consensus full year earnings and 59.3% of our numbers, respectively. Note that earnings in the first half have averaged at 54.5% of full year’s earnings for the past five years.
 The earnings outperformance was mainly due to higherthan-expected gross margins and a slower relative increase in operating expenses.
Dividends  As expected, a third interim single-tier dividend of 2.5 sen was declared.
Key Result Highlights YoY, 1H14 NP rose by 48.4% on the back of a 12.9% increase in revenue. The increase in revenue was underpinned by the Brands Outlet stores which recorded higher same store sales growth (SSSG) of more than 30%. At the same time, overall gross margin expansion (+1.3ppt to 47.0%) and a slower relative increase in operating expenses led to the strong NP growth with net margins increasing by 2.9ppt to 12.1%.
 QoQ, 2Q14 revenue grew by 7.8% due to the Christmas and holiday shopping season. Nevertheless, NP increased by a smaller proportion (+2.4%) as this was caused by the accruing of a portion of the employees' bonuses due for payment in January 2014.
 YTD, 1H14 revenue increased by 10.4% amid an increase in exports in the first quarter as well as due to the better performance achieved by the Brands Outlet stores. Coupled with a 0.9ppt improvement in gross margins and economies of scale as highlighted above, 1H14 NP rose substantially by 26.3%.
Outlook  New 3 Brands Outlet stores and a Padini Concept store were opened in the current financial year. In the coming months, there are plans to add another 3 Brands Outlet stores and another 2 Padini Concept stores which would add upwards of 90k sq ft of retail floor space to >800k sq ft.
 In addition to the new store openings, we are positive on the changes made to merchandise development and pricing strategies, which would allow PADINI to capitalise on the Visit Malaysia Year 2014.
Change to Forecasts We have increased our FY14-FY15E net profit forecasts to RM97.7m-RM107.6m (+3.3%) to reflect higher operating margins (+0.5ppt and +0.9ppt increase EBIT margins) as a result of better economies of scale and operational efficiency.
Rating Maintain OUTPERFORM.
 Our positive view on PADINI is underpinned by new store expansion plans after a year-long hiatus, an anticipated pick-up in SSSG numbers, as well as net cash position and high dividend yield of 7%.
Valuation  We increase our TP slightly from RM1.90 to RM1.97 based on an unchanged Fwd PER of 12x over FY15 EPS.
Risks to our Call  The implementation of the GST and subsidy rationalization program by the government could potentially hamper consumer spending.
 Higher-than-expected operating expenses resulting from new store openings.
Source: Kenanga

Padini’s 1HFY14 results were  within consensus and our forecasts.  The strong set of numbers was backed by sales booked during the  festive season  and  the  encouraging performance from its  Brands Outlet  label. Maintain  BUY  with  our  FV  at  MYR1.95,  as  we  continue  to  like  the group’s aggressive store expansion strategy and good dividend yield.
  • The worst may  be over.  Padini’s 1HFY14 sales and net profit jumped by  10.4%  and  26.3%  y-o-y  respectively  due  to  a  healthy  topline  and better gross margin. The Padini label  was the largest revenue generator, contributing  32.2% of total revenue, followed by  Brands Outlet  at 28.3% and Vincci at 23.8%. The increase in revenue came mostly from  Brands Outlet  stores  which  recorded  high  same-store-sales  growth  (SSSG). Earnings  improved  significantly  due  to  stronger  sales,  a  fatter  gross margin  and  a  relatively  slower  increase  in  operating  expenses. Compared  with  2Q13,  the  company’s  top-  and  bottomline  rose  12.8% and  48.4%  y-o-y  respectively,  thanks  to  a  higher  contribution  from Brands Outlet stores.
  • Margin  expansion.  The  group’s  gross  margin  improved  to  47%  from 46% y-o-y. Its  EBIT and PBT margin also trended higher by 230bps and 220bps  y-o-y  due  to  better  turnover  and  lower  operating  costs.  Padini declared  a  2.5  sen  third  interim  dividend,  which  puts  it  on  track  to achieve  a  full-year  forecasted  DPS  of  10  sen. We  expect  it  to  remain generous in paying out  dividends in future,  as it  is sitting on a cash pile of MYR155m as of Dec 2013.
  • More new stores to open. To date, the group has opened: i) one Padini Concept  Store  (PCS)  and  one  Brands  Outlet  store  (BO)  in  Gurney Paragon Mall, Penang, ii)  one BO in  Langkawi Fair shopping mall, and iii)  one  BO  in  Permaisuri  Imperial  City  Mall,  Miri.  We  expect  one  BO store and two PCS outlets to be launched in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan and Miri, Sarawak in the future.
  • Maintain  BUY.  We  keep  our  forecasts  unchanged  due  to  the  in-line numbers.  Maintain BUY  with  its  FV  unchanged at  MYR1.95,  based on 14x FY14 EPS. Its dividend yield remains attractive at 6.0%.
Financial Exhibits
SWOT Analysis
Company Profile
Padini is involved in the retailing of apparel, footwear and accessories.
Recommendation Chart




2009年欧洲主权债务危机让宇琦科技尝到了苦头。欧洲市场占据了宇琦科技高达 96%的收入来源。


从2013年起,该公司享有低税优惠的新兴工业地位在2012年底已届满,导致2013年首9个月净利猛退。宇琦科技旗下子公司Uchi Optoelectronic专门生产电光产品,从2013年起便必须和一般公司一样缴交25%的公司税,而该电光产品占该公司90%以上的营业额,失去 低税优惠对该公司影响极大。




以该公司过去3年皆派出每股12仙的股息来看,可以说该公司的股息应该会不如往年。值得注意的是在2013年所派发的股息当中,其中2.52仙是免税单层 股息,另外1.48仙则须扣25%税。以该公司过去皆以赚多少派多少的惯性来看,下一次股息派发应该会有7仙,或全年8.2%个股息回酬。





艾力斯(IRIS,0010,創業板科技組)和立通國際WA(REDTONE-WA,0032WA)的業績如何? 各股有甚麼新業務活動或發展?未來展望如何,樂觀嗎?其合理價為何?值得購入嗎?
答:先看艾力斯的最新業績表現;截至2013年9月30日為止次季,該公司淨利為730萬8千令吉(每股淨利為0.46仙),前期淨 利為618萬4千令吉(每股淨利為0.39仙)。營業額為1億3千135萬7千令吉,前期為1億2千454萬3千令吉。該公司的每股資產值為27.34 仙。




(吉隆坡26日訊)歸功於全購聯土控股(FHB)和租地協議債務的合理價收益,聯土全球(FGV,5222,主板種植組)截至2013年12月31 日止第四季淨利從前期的2億1千770萬8千令吉大幅增長129.05%至4億9千866萬5千令吉,拉動全年淨利走揚21.72%至9億8千零99萬2 千令吉,去年同期為8億零595萬3千令吉。


(吉隆坡27日訊)雪州政府屢敗屢戰,今日通過達魯益山集團(KDEB)以相同價格再向商業高 峰(PUNCAK,6807,主板基建計劃組)和雪州柏朗桑(KPS,5843,主板貿服組)求親,分析員認為雪州政府出價不變恐難叫業者回心轉意,打破 僵局的關鍵在於中央政府會否“加碼”相助。
雪州柏朗桑和商業高峰發文告表示,接獲KDEB分別以18億3千460萬、9億9千零20萬, 以及31億1千700萬和24億7千700萬,總值84億1千880萬令吉來收購雪河公司(Splash)、Titisan Modal(馬)私人有限公司(TMSB),以及雪州水供公司(Syabas)與商業高峰私人有限公司(PNSB)的獻議,以整合州內水務資產。
此外,總值8億令吉的冷岳2運輸水管工程也料造福本地水管製造商,其中產品最為多元的勇達集團 (ENGTEX,5056,主板貿服組)有望攫取部份合約,其他潛在得標者包括JAKS資源(JAKS,4723,主板建筑組)、友聯工業 (YLI,7014,主板工業產品組)、聚美鋼鐵廠(CHOOBEE,5797,主板工業產品組)、協德(HIAPTEK,5072,主板工業產品組)和 威達(WEIDA,7111,主板工業產品組)。


PRESBHD 2013年第四季度业绩+宣布派息+宣布派1:1红股!!!

2月是公布业绩的好月份, 很多公司都在这月份陆陆续续公布业绩, 而在我和我父母组合中第一个迎来的就是PRESBHD. PRESBHD目前是我父母组合里的第一大股, 投入资金占据了30%以上, 而目前他在组合里的比重居然达到了44%!!! 纸上盈利有一半以上都是 PRESBHD贡献的!!!!



2Profit/(loss) before tax
3Profit/(loss) for the period
4Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent
5Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit)
6Proposed/Declared dividend per share (Subunit)

这次公布的业绩可以说是不过不失吧, EPS增加了一点点, 但是DPS还是维持和去年同期一样3SEN. 所以全年EPS来到19.13SEN (我预期20SEN, 失败了...=.=), 比去年的16.94SEN增加了一点. 全年DPS有12SEN, 比去年的10SEN增加了20%.

以我父母RM1.4X的平均价来计算, DY来到了8%++, 这可是FD的两倍多了啊! 然后以今天的收市价RM3.3来计算, DY只有3.6%, PE来到了17.3, 单从一个市值少过10亿的公司来说, 这PE有点过高了. 但是若从他的前景和未来的成长来看的话, 其实PE还可以接受, 毕竟 MYEG的PE都来到了40++ =.=!!!

再来看看ROE,   以19.13SEN除于最新NTA 0.4408的话, ROE来到了43.4! 通常ROE高过15的公司就算好公司了, 但是PRESBHD竟然是43.4! 这也是当初我买进他的原因, 那时候他ROE更高, 达到48左右.

再仔细看了看报告, 软件分销的比重减少了, 培训的比重增加了, 这也印证了之前CEO所说要提高培训业务的比重, 因为这业务的PROFIT MARGIN比较高, 可以提供比较好的赚. 然后教育业务开始提供盈利了, 管理层预计会在今年达致收支平衡.

Interim Dividend


Entitlement date07/03/2014
Entitlement time05:00:00 PM
Entitlement subjectInterim Dividend
Entitlement descriptionInterim single tier dividend of 3.0 sen per ordinary share
Period of interest payment to
Financial Year End31/12/2013
Share transfer book & register of members will be to closed from (both dates inclusive) for the purpose of determining the entitlements
Registrar's name ,address, telephone no
Symphony Share Registrars Sdn. Bhd.
Level 6, Symphony House
Pusat Dagangan Dana 1
Jalan PJU 1A/46
47301 Petaling Jaya, Selango
Payment date 20/03/2014

这次派3SEN股息, 除权日在3月5号, 过户日在3月20号. 2月20号宣布, 一个月后的今天就拿到钱, 效率真不是一般的高啊~哈哈.

除了股息外, 这次PRESBHD还宣布了红股计划!!!




On behalf of the Board of Directors of Prestariang Berhad, CIMB Investment Bank Berhad wishes to announce that the Company proposes to undertake the Proposed Bonus Issue.
Please refer to the attachment for the details of the Proposed Bonus Issue.
This announcement is dated 20 February 2014.

上市2年多来的PRESBHD终于宣布了派发红股回馈股东们一直以来的支持! 这个红股计划将会以1:1的比例派发合计2.2亿的新股. 这计划预计会在 今年5月前完成. 新股完成除权之后, 所有的价格, EPS全部都会调整. 所以实际上对股东没实际意义, 但是对许多散户来说红股还是很有吸引力的. 所以昨天才会一股冲上RM3.54, 过后才慢慢回落到RM3.3收市.

总的来说, PRESBHD还是可以继续持有的, 毕竟进军油气业即将贡献盈利, 而教育业务也即将带来好消息., 相信借着红股效应可以进一步把股价推上高峰!

PS: 如果股价真的来到了疯狂的地步, 那我不排除会逢高套利, 锁定盈利, 然后离场观望..呵呵.



Monday, 30 December 2013

Gadang upbeat on Danga Bay land

Gadang Holdings Bhd is looking at buying land along the Danga Bay waterfront area after missing the opportunity to do so a couple of years back when land prices in the area were much cheaper. Managing director and chief executive officer Tan Sri Kok Onn believes that property prices in Johor, especially in Iskandar Malaysia, will continue to appreciate on strong demand from foreign investors. “You can miss the boat once, but you should not miss it for the second time," Kok said.
Kok said that Gadang had missed the opportunity to acquire land in the sea-fronting area of Danga Bay years ago when prices were about RM150 per sq ft. He said now the average selling price for land in Danga Bay was RM1,000 per sq ft. (StarBiz)

Friday, 27 December 2013

Gadang forms a JV to develop Johor Bahru project for GDV of RM1.8bn

Gadang has formed a JV to develop its tract in Johor Bahru for an estimated GDV of RM1.8bn. Gadang said its wholly-owned unit Achwell Property Sdn Bhd had entered into a JV agreement with Capital City Property Sdn Bhd for the development and construction of the proposed integrated development, which spans across 12 acres (4.85 ha). According to the announcement, Capital City will pay Achwell a value equivalent to 16.7% of the final GDV of the project, which is up to a maximum sum of RM323m that includes the market value of the land of RM57.5m - a sum exceeding Gadang's market capitalisation of RM208m. (Edge Daily)

Monday, 9 December 2013

Cyberview and Gadang team up for RM1.06bil development

Cyberview Sdn Bhd, the land owner of Cyberjaya, has joined hands with Gadang Holdings Bhd to start a multi residential development project with a gross development value (GDV) of RM1.06bn. The project will be segmented into four phases to be developed over nine years, Cyberview MD Fari Yahaya said. The residential project will comprise 794 units of the 1Malaysia Housing Programme, or PR1MA houses, 142 two-storey link houses, 340 stratified two-storey link houses, 1074 apartment units and 150 government quarters. "The earthworks are expected to begin in the first quarter (1Q) of next year, with sales of the first phase starting in 3Q. (Malaysian Reserve)
Source: CIMB Daybreak - 09 December 2013

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Gadang Buys 80% HRE Stake

Gadang Holdings Bhd has acquired 80% stake in Indonesia-based power company PT Hidronusa Rawan Energi (HRE) for 10.8bn rupiah (RM3.06m). In a filing with Bursa Malaysia, Gadang said its indirect wholly-owned subsidiary, Asian Utilities Pte Ltd, had entered into a sale and purchase of shares agreement with Angga Panji Kesuma and Aprian Eka Rahadi to acquire 6,000 shares of nominal value 1m rupiah each, representing 80% stake in HRE. (Starbiz)

Monday, 27 May 2013

Gadang targets RM2bn order book by end of the year

Gadang's order book stood at a respectable RM1.4bn. MD/CEO Tan Sri Kok Onn expects the group to end the year with around RM2bn order book. The group has RM8bn worth of tender book and he is confident that it will be able to secure at least RM1bn this year. He is confident of winning phase 2 earthworks contract for Petronas' RAPID project.

  • The group also plans to bid for the RM4.5bn RAPID co-generation power plant in Pengerang, for which it has been prequalified with two Chinese partners, he said. Another potential project is the RM450m, 268-bed hospital in Kuala Krai, Kota Bharu. 
  • In five years, he targets that construction and property contributed 40% each to earnings while utilities and plantations making up the remaining 20%. (Edge Weekly)

Monday, 13 May 2013

Gadang sees good returns from power sector venture

Gadang Holdings, a predominantly construction group is well on its way to beefing up its income base with contributions from its other business divisions. For starters, it has finally landed a deal in the power business. Earlier this month, it announced the purchase of a 60% stake in PT Ikhwan Mega Power, an Indonesian hydroelectric utility firm, for RM3m. That marks its foray into the power sector. ¡§We are expecting at least a 15% IRR over a tenure of 30 years. This venture will be a steady source of income for us,¡¨ MD/CEO Tan Sri Kok Onn said.

  • PT Ikhwan Mega Power has a PPA with PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara, the Indonesian national power company, to develop and supply power from a 9MW mini hydro power plant to be located in Kabupaten Tanah Datar, west Sumatra. 
  • Currently, about 70% of Gadang's turnover comes from its construction division, followed by property. Utility earnings from its power business are expected to kick in soon. For its construction division, the group has tendered for RM4bn worth of local jobs and expect to get 20% of these by 2H13. (StarBiz)

Source: CIMB Daybreak - 13 May 2013

Monday, 6 May 2013

Gadang looks overseas to power up earnings

Tan Sri Kok Onn, the founder of Gadang Holdings Bhd, is banking on jobs from the utilities industry abroad to help diversify the company's earnings base. Kok Onn, who is also the managing director of the company, believes that venturing into the power business will help provide long-term recurring income. 
He told BT this just days after Gadang informed Bursa Malaysia that it is in the midst of making its maiden effort to break into the power business overseas. Last week, Gadang said its indirect wholly-owned unit Asian Utilities Pte Ltd (AUP) plans to buy a 60% stake in PT Ikhwan Mega Power (PTIMP) for RM3m. (BT)

Source: CIMB Daybreak - 06 May 2013

Friday, 3 May 2013

Gadang buys 60% of Ikhwan

Gadang Holdings has bought a 60% stake in PT Ikhwan Mega Power, an Indonesian hydroelectric utility firm, for RM3m. This is the construction company’s maiden foray into the power sector. PT Ikhwan Mega Power has a PPA with PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara, the Indonesian national power company, to develop and supply power for 15 years from a 9MW mini hydro power plant to be located in Kabupaten Tanah Datar, Sumatera Barat. (StarBiz)

Monday, 8 April 2013

Gadang bags RM1.02b Cyberjaya PR1MA job

Gadang Holdings will develop Cyberjaya's first affordable housing project for an estimated RM1bn. The PR1MA (Program Perumahan 1Malaysia) project is Gadang's first job in Cyberjaya. It is learnt that the project is slated to start by year-end and will generate revenue of more than RM100m p.a. for Gadang over a period of eight to nine years, sources said. The project will feature 2,500 apartment and condominium units, double-storey link houses and government quarters, and 50 shops and retail units. Gadang, which is controlled by Tan Sri Kok Onn, will develop the properties on a 43.7ha site. (BT)

Source: CIMB Daybreak - 08 April 2013

Friday, 23 November 2012

Gadang Holdings: Eyes RM500m jobs

Gadang Holdings Bhd is expected to replenish its construction orderbook by RM500m in six month’s time from its current tendering of projects worth RM3bn. According to the MD and CEO, Tan Sri Kok Onn, Gadang has and orderbook of RM1.6bn at present. We are also interested to further participate in the Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit (KVMRT) project for Line 2,” he said. (StarBiz)  

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Gadang Holdings Bhd (Company Update): Meeting with management reaffirms Trading Buy

(Maintain TRADING BUY, TP: RM1.00)

Our meeting with Gadang’s management yesterday reaffirms our Trading Buy and target price of RM1.00. Despite yesterday’s weak 1QFY13 results, earnings should pick up strongly from 2QFY13 onwards, and our initial estimate of at least 10 sen EPS in FY13 from construction division alone is on track. (refer to report for details)

Friday, 19 October 2012

Gadang: Bullish on sector

Gadang Holdings Bhd sees bright outlook for the construction industry in the next two three years, supported by various upcoming infrastructure and commercial projects as well as the Refinery and Petrochemical Integrated Development (Rapid) in Pengerang, Johor. The group is currently bidding for jobs worth several billion ringgit in some of these development. Gadang unit, Gadang Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd MD Khew Check Kiet said the company was bidding, together with its foreign joint-venture partners, for power-supply infrastructure jobs in the Rapid project. “We are also bidding for some works in the Tun Razak Exchange and KLCC basement car parks,” he said after briefing on the company’s current biggest project, the viaduct guideway package 2 (V2). (StarBiz)

Comment: This further reinforces our Trading Buy on Gadang in our Stock Idea published yesterday morning. To recap, our target price of RM1.00 for Gadang is only based on its existing contract wins. Securing more major ETP projects would add to the positive news flow driving its share price. (Hon Sze) 

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Gadang Holdings Bhd (Stock Idea): Winner of key ETP projects (Trading BUY, TP: RM1.00)

(Trading BUY, TP: RM1.00) 

In the interest of timeliness, we are publishing this Stock Idea on Gadang before meeting with management. Our analysis is thus based on publicly available information and any assumptions on our part have yet to be verified. Gadang is a small construction company that has been winning key ETP projects that has yet to be reflected in its share price. We recommend a Trading Buy with target price of RM1.00 and potential capital upside of 52%. (refer to report for details)

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Gadang: Gets RM313m job at Rapid

Gadang Holdings Bhd has secured the refinery and petrochemical integrated development (Rapid) project site preparation contract worth RM312.8m. The company said it received the letter of award from Petronas on 5 October. It expects the contract to contribute positively to its earnings for the FYE 31 May 2013 and 2014. (Financial Daily) 

Monday, 8 October 2012

Gadang: Accepts Petronas LOA Engineering and construction firm

Gadang Holdings Bhd has accepted a letter of award (LOA) from Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas) to conduct site preparation works for Phase 1 of Petronas' proposed Refinery and Petrochemical Integrated Development project located in Pengerang, Johor. According to the Bursa Malaysia filing by Gadang, the project is expected to be completed by 31 Dec 2013. Although there was no value attached to the contract, sources said it was valued at some RM330m. (StarBiz) 

Monday, 10 September 2012

Gadang: Hands over Runway 3 at KLIA2, upbeat on winning more contracts

Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) has taken possession of Runway 3, worth RM291.2m which was awarded to Gadang Holdings Bhd in 2010. The job includes building taxiways, site preparation, earthworks and main drainage. Gadang completed the job last month and handed it over to MAHB on 28 August. With the completion of Runway 3, Gadang MD and CEO Tan Sri Kok Onn said the company is now eyeing earthwork packages for projects under the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP). (Business Times) 

Monday, 3 September 2012

Gadang: Targets jobs worth RM2bn

Gadang Holdings Bhd is bidding for construction jobs worth more than RM2bn, mostly government projects, to grow its future earnings. Its MD and CEO Tan Sri Dato’ Kok Onn said although the construction sector is facing a high cost of building materials and labour shortage, Gadang is eyeing more jobs to replenish its current order book and move up a notch. Gadang has RM1.5bn worth of jobs in hand to keep it busy for the next three to four years, said Kok. (Business Times)