Author: FayeTan | Publish date: Mon, 30 May 2016, 12:43 PM
1. The Edge Weekly talks about "The Biggest Loser". Briefly the article talks about how stocks listed in Bursa Malaysia lose market cap of RM42b Year To Date (YTD). Top losers (by market cap lose) include:
a. MAXIS (down RM10.2b)
b. AXIATA (down RM9.1b)
c. MISC (down RM8.3b)
It is a good article as we can learn what stock to avoid and learn from market mistake. I guess minimizing loss is part of the greater objective to maximise portfolio return. For full details, go get The Edge Weekly for RM5.30.
2. What about The Biggest Winner? The article from The Edge prompt me to ask myself ... what about the biggest winners? I do some checking and the result is sort of UNEXPECTED... totally SURPRISING... I will go straight to discuss briefly why I am surprised.
3. Top of the list is NWP
31-Dec-2015 Share Price : RM0.10
Today : RM0.39
Performance YTD? 290%
Fundamental checking on the financial information and earnings performance are as below.
In short, the Company is loss making but share price more than tripled. Due to lack of information on why the share price surge, I will not invest in NWP.
4. No. 2 is KANGER
31-Dec-2015 Share Price : RM0.12
Today : RM0.305
Performance YTD? 154%
Fundamental checking on the financial information and earnings performance are as below.
KANGER performed better as the Company is making profit. However, I will still avoid KANGER as I still cannot forget how I lose money investing in China company listed in Malaysia long time ago. I may be biased but I prefer to stay on the safe side.
5. No. 3 is EMETAL
31-Dec-2015 Share Price : RM0.295
Today : RM0.62
Performance YTD? 110%
Fundamental checking on the financial information and earnings performance are as below.
EMETALL is also a profit making company. However, I will still avoid EMETALL as I believe that steel price movement is too hard to forecast and too hard to see sustainable gain. Also, the Company is not paying dividend.
6. Conclusion: Just looking at top 3 WINNERS are not enough to see what to BUY. More homeworks needed.