

Author: Tan KW   |   Publish date: Sun, 29 May 2016, 10:44 PM 

2016-05-29 19:28



去年12月,該公司完成收購經營巴生北港(Northport)和國家貨柜公司(Kontena Nasional)的NCB控股後,資產迅速膨脹。目前,該公司旗下資產包括丹絨柏勒巴斯港口、檳城港口、柔佛港口和士乃國際機場。



IPO shares performance so far :

Author: Hiu Chee Keong   |   Publish date: Sat, 28 May 2016, 12:07 AM 

Some of IPO shares performance so far : (ref price is the IPO price)

Thong Guan Industries Bhd (RM3.24): Quarterly Profit a Confidence Booster - David Koay

Author: Tan KW   |   Publish date: Sat, 28 May 2016, 06:06 PM 

Saturday, May 28, 2016
I was reluctant to write about this company earlier as I wasn't sure how sustainable its highest recorded RM15mil++ profit in 4Q'15 was going to be. In addition, many exporters were affected by USD weakness in 1Q'16, as evidenced by a few popular names such as Evergreen, FLBhd, LCTH, SHH, Latitude etc. which reported quite disappointing results. (However, Lii Hen is an exception, which surprised me.)
However, Thong Guan's 1Q'16 results proved to be a real confidence booster as it held up well with net profit of RM13mil on stronger-than-expected plastic and F&B segment’s margin. If excluding additional forex loss of RM2.62mil, latest quarterly net profit could have exceeded its previous quarter's. Consequently, analysts upgraded their target prices, with Kenanga upping its target price from RM3.33 to RM4.19 while CIMB raised its target price from RM3.20 to RM3.67. 
Having said that, analysts' estimates are still way way too conservative with 2016 net profit forecasts still remain at around RM40mil. Kenanga analyst said that her estimates are still conservative and may look to upgrade her earnings forecast. I believe that Thong Guan can easily get above RM50mil for this year and RM60mil is not difficult at all. Besides, quoting from a famous analyst, Harry Teo, management indicated that 2Q'16 results will likely be better than 1Q'16. Annualizing its quarterly net profit of RM13mil could easily yield RM52mil for the whole year. 
For Kenanga report, click here
For Harry Teo's write-up, click here
Prospects (Taken from its quarterly report): 
In the first quarter of 2016, the Group has successfully commissioned its 33-layer nano-technology stretch film line, its 5-layer-blown film line, its automatic continuous organic noodle production line as well as its R&D centre. The Group has now positioned itself on a growth trajectory. It is pleasing to report that all operating divisions within the group has been profitable in the current quarter and is charting further growth. The Group is also currently looking at acquiring stretch film and PVC food wrap lines. Further growth on both volume and valueis expected from plastic products and F&B in year 2016.
For 1Q'16 quarterly report, click here
Assuming net profit of RM52mil for 2016; Not accounting for dilution effect of warrants & ICULS (way out of money)
  • PE'16: 7.5x 
  • Earnings growth 2016: 35% 
  • ROE'16: 13% 
  • P/B: 0.85x 
  • Div Yield: >3% 
  • Net cash: RM0.66 per share 
Attaching PE'16 of 10x for its share price can easily yield a target price close to RM5. 
Prominent investors in the game: 
  • Koon Yew Yin: 2.06mil shares 
  • Dr. Neoh of Dynaquest: 1.9mil shares 
  • Fong Si Ling: 600k shares 
For shareholders' list, click here.

Disclaimer: I'm a shareholder of Thong Guan Industries Bhd. 

Thong Guan Industries Bhd (RM3.24): Quarterly Profit a Confidence Booster - David Koay

Author: Tan KW   |   Publish date: Sat, 28 May 2016, 06:06 PM

Saturday, May 28, 2016
I was reluctant to write about this company earlier as I wasn't sure how sustainable its highest recorded RM15mil++ profit in 4Q'15 was going to be. In addition, many exporters were affected by USD weakness in 1Q'16, as evidenced by a few popular names such as Evergreen, FLBhd, LCTH, SHH, Latitude etc. which reported quite disappointing results. (However, Lii Hen is an exception, which surprised me.)
However, Thong Guan's 1Q'16 results proved to be a real confidence booster as it held up well with net profit of RM13mil on stronger-than-expected plastic and F&B segment’s margin. If excluding additional forex loss of RM2.62mil, latest quarterly net profit could have exceeded its previous quarter's. Consequently, analysts upgraded their target prices, with Kenanga upping its target price from RM3.33 to RM4.19 while CIMB raised its target price from RM3.20 to RM3.67. 
Having said that, analysts' estimates are still way way too conservative with 2016 net profit forecasts still remain at around RM40mil. Kenanga analyst said that her estimates are still conservative and may look to upgrade her earnings forecast. I believe that Thong Guan can easily get above RM50mil for this year and RM60mil is not difficult at all. Besides, quoting from a famous analyst, Harry Teo, management indicated that 2Q'16 results will likely be better than 1Q'16. Annualizing its quarterly net profit of RM13mil could easily yield RM52mil for the whole year. 
For Kenanga report, click here
For Harry Teo's write-up, click here
Prospects (Taken from its quarterly report): 
In the first quarter of 2016, the Group has successfully commissioned its 33-layer nano-technology stretch film line, its 5-layer-blown film line, its automatic continuous organic noodle production line as well as its R&D centre. The Group has now positioned itself on a growth trajectory. It is pleasing to report that all operating divisions within the group has been profitable in the current quarter and is charting further growth. The Group is also currently looking at acquiring stretch film and PVC food wrap lines. Further growth on both volume and valueis expected from plastic products and F&B in year 2016.
For 1Q'16 quarterly report, click here
Assuming net profit of RM52mil for 2016; Not accounting for dilution effect of warrants & ICULS (way out of money)
  • PE'16: 7.5x 
  • Earnings growth 2016: 35% 
  • ROE'16: 13% 
  • P/B: 0.85x 
  • Div Yield: >3% 
  • Net cash: RM0.66 per share 
Attaching PE'16 of 10x for its share price can easily yield a target price close to RM5. 
Prominent investors in the game: 
  • Koon Yew Yin: 2.06mil shares 
  • Dr. Neoh of Dynaquest: 1.9mil shares 
  • Fong Si Ling: 600k shares 
For shareholders' list, click here.

Disclaimer: I'm a shareholder of Thong Guan Industries Bhd. 

【无债一身轻】- HEVEA(5095) 盈利y-o-y上涨45%,每股现金18仙! - Harryt30

Author: Tan KW   |   Publish date: Sat, 28 May 2016, 06:05 PM 

Saturday, May 28, 2016 
最近出口相关股都想续出炉,许多都交出了不菲的外汇亏损,当中就有FLBHD, LATITUD, LCTH, KAREX等公司。而笔者之前也预测了HEVEA会有一些外汇亏损,但是相比强劲的盈利影响其实并不大。HEVEA最新的盈利是20.268 mil,yoy进步了45%,不过比上个季度的25.693mil 下跌了21.11%。但是笔者非常满意这个季度的盈利,因为Q4一向来都是最强的季度。

  • 营业额145.911 mil, 跟去年Q1相比上涨了25%,盈利上涨了45%。
  • 而profit margin跟之前相比也从12.01%进步到13.89%, 有了不错的进步。
  • 2015Q1的quarterly rate是3.60,2016Q1上升到4.22,这也是推高了营业额以及盈利主要推手。
  • 不过按年相比,quarterly rate下跌了1.4%,而12月31以及3月31日的汇率比较更是下跌了9.09%左右。
  • 通常在转换外国资产+债务成为马币时,公司都会使用当个季度的最后一天的汇率。
  • 因此HEVEA去年在清还了许多债务之后,USD的asset > liabilites, 也是所谓的USD positive exposure。
  • 笔者在5月23日提到HEVEA的大约有18 mil的exposure to USD, 所以乘9.09%的美金跌幅大约会有1.636 mil的外汇亏损。
  • 结果真实的外汇亏损是1.163 mil,比笔者当初预测少了0.5 mil左右。主要原因是笔者使用的是12月31日的数据,而在1 - 3月的时候公司几乎偿还了所有的美金债务,也意味着着公司使用了大笔美金还债。
  • 公司的Borrowing从58 .364mil减少到最新的13.231 mil, 突显出管理层还债的决心。
  • Net cash 增加到79.233 mil, 相等于每股18仙现金。最算扣除了即将开跑的20mil capex, 公司还有接近60 mil的流动现金。公司是时候要给更多的股息了,嘿嘿。。
  • 此外, 公司请还17 mil的Trade payable 以及减少了4 mil trade receivable, 一切看起来都很不错。
  • 而2016年公司的share outstanding 从436.328增加到455.617 mil, 管理层转换了接近20 mil的warrant。是否意味着公司有什么好消息, 所以要转换成母股得到利益.

公司的盈利连续5年成长, 希望2016可以继续交出出色的成长。
公司1 - 3月偿还45.6 mil的Borrowing, 也从warrant conversion获得了3.24 mil的现金。而共司也开始share buy back , 释放出公司股价被低估的讯息。
公司的指出盈利上涨主要归功美金走高以及产线优化+自动化。Automation都是制造业的主要趋势, 这样可以减少成本以及增加profit margin.
公司的营业额减低因为Festival season 所以导致工作日减少, 这是否意味着Q2的业绩会突破新高呢, 这让笔者非常期待。
上图是这个季度的外汇亏损 = 1.163 mil, 跟笔者预测的1.5 - 2.0 mil少了一些。不过相比去年同期, 外汇亏损增加了1 mil左右, 也意味着Hevea 去年美金起有外汇亏损, 今年美金下跌还是有外汇亏损, 跟TGUAN的情形很相似。

外汇只是一个Bonus, 生意量以及产能增加才是刺激公司盈利进步的主因。现在公司已经处于net cash的情况, 未来美金下跌外汇会有一些外汇亏损, 但是公司的销售却会因此走高。
最后就是Taxation, 不知道大家有没有注意到Tax比去年多了足足2.72 mil。问了两位accountant的朋友, 他们说这笔Tax 可以在未来offset taxable statutory income。也是说未来公司赚了钱, 税务是可以offset掉的。由于不是annual report, 所以没有详细的说明。不过笔者会在星期一询问管理层, 希望会获得更加详细的说明。

总结公司的Balance sheet已经变得非常强健,加上20 mil的capex,未来无疑可以继续成长进步。现在低于7的PE是非常便宜的, 也难怪冯大师增持了HEVEA-WB. 无债一身轻, HEVEA解脱了美金债务的枷锁之后是时候再度启航。

以上纯属分享, 买卖自负。


【美德十三连霸】- MITRA(9571) 盈利y-o-y上涨38%,手握16.4亿建筑合约。 - Harryt30

Author: Tan KW   |   Publish date: Sat, 28 May 2016, 06:04 PM 

Friday, May 27, 2016 
建筑股MITRA交出了不错的业绩,盈利yoy上涨了38%,从去年Q1的13.395 mil进步到现在的18.455 mil。此外,这已经是MITRA连续十三个季度盈利持续上涨,在建筑领域当中可谓是难能可贵。

可能有人会说MITRA q-o-q的盈利下跌了,不过股价还是在今天上涨了1仙。如果大家回顾MITRA过去4年的盈利表现,Q1已经连续5年是传统的淡季,而Q4一路以来都是 盈利表现最为强劲的一个季度。毕竟没有每家公司的盈利永远只上不跌,只要今年的盈利优于去年,明年的盈利胜过今年,这就是非常好的表现了。就让我们看看 MITRA最新一个季度的表现。

从上图我们可以看到MITRA的建筑合约还有1,640 mil的建筑合约,Order Book/ Yearly Revenue Ratio是1.78。MITRA最新4个季度的营业是924.9 mil,1.78的ratio意味着MITRA最少可以忙到2017年底左右。

  • Mitra的的profit margin也从2015Q1的8.29%进步到16Q1的9.44%。
  • 现在MITRA在卖出了Health care的业务之后只剩下了建筑,产业以及南非投资的业务。跟去年相比,3个业务的税前盈利分别进步了15.4%,83.41%以及8.63%。
  • 此外,公司的TOTAL LIABILITIES也515.71 mil下跌到了最新的503.58 mil,主要是因为Trade Payable减少了接近20 mil。
  • 不过让人担忧的是,公司的Total Borrowing从上个季度的168.942 mil再度上升到最新的183.201 mil,按季上涨了8.44%。幸好公司的营业额相比去年同期也上涨了20.98%,比例上还过得去。
  • 不少读者都询问了我这个问题,我个人认为只要公司的营业外以及盈利的进步速度跟得上,borrowing也会随之上升。
  • 而Cash也从31.656 mil上升到了48.236 mil,这是因为公司在7月15日股息除权。所以公司至少要花掉32 mil以上的现金派发股息。
一般上我们可以用Debt to Equity衡量公司的借贷,Formula = Total debt/ Total Equity. 
Total debt/ Total Equity = 183,201/ 530.850 = 34.51%。
而MITRA最近5个季度的Total debt/ Total Equity Ratio 如下:
15Q1: 33.16%
15Q2: 30.55%
15Q3: 30.21%
15Q4: 33.63%
16Q1: 34.51%
公司一直都保持在30 - 35%的范围,而这个比例是非常低的。

MITRA这两个季度严重被ESOS expense拖了后腿,这个季度又有2.793 mil的Share options expense,不然Profit net of tax excluding share options expenses将会是21.224 mil。

南非投资贡献出了更好的profit margin,而且预计今年会持续贡献不错的盈利。q-o-q比较的话,营业额以及盈利下跌是因为较少的建筑活动。

  • 公司现在手握1.64 bil的建筑合约,而且现在也在积极竞标更多的建筑合约。相信2016年会继续成长下去。
  • 产业领域预测2016年会贡献更多营业额以及盈利,而且产业销售在年头已经有了不错的表现。
  • 管理层预计南非投资会有显著的盈利贡献,今年会有RAND 75 mil 的unbilled sales会在2016财政年进账。

转贴] KEN 7323 - prajna

Author: Tan KW   |   Publish date: Sat, 28 May 2016, 06:04 PM 

* Property development
* roaroeroic普通,在历史范围波动
* DUPONT三项指标稳定
目前股价RM0.98PE 7.54DY 3.06


Author: Tan KW   |   Publish date: Sat, 28 May 2016, 05:54 PM 

 2016-05-28 11:35

一个马来西亚发展有限公司(1MDB)从早前债券利息毁约,到本周二与其有交易关系的瑞意银行(BSI Bank)遭邻国新加坡金融管理局关闭,情况越来越不妙。
从新加坡金融管理局局长孟文能(Ravi Menon)措词强烈,并强调该局会致力维护新加坡金融中心的诚信和声誉,“绝不妥协”。
•杨名万 著名时事及财经评论员


Author: Tan KW   |   Publish date: Sat, 28 May 2016, 05:52 PM 

2016-05-27 18:54



聯昌研究表示,雖然亞航面對飛機師漲薪、維修費增加、民航局調高收費,以及機場稅可能在2017財政年調高等影響,但相信無阻該公司今明兩年繼續取得亮眼業績的腳步。( 星洲日報/財經‧報道:王寶欽)


資匯2016年05月50之最 (Airasia重返市值50大) | 股海無涯

Author: 股海無涯   |   Publish date: Sat, 28 May 2016, 03:05 PM 

【分享】資匯16年5月 50之最 (預測本益比最低,股息率最佳,預測盈利最佳公司)
本益比绝非判断企业价值的单一/唯一指标, 仅供参考.

经过了这么多年的低潮, AIRASIA重新回到马来西亚市值50大, New issue of securities 之后估计至少会回到40大.

老規矩,免費分享, 情理上幫人家打點廣告,里面很多统计数据与分析都很不错。


卍個人分析記錄 買賣盈虧自負 分析若有錯誤 勞煩提點指出

股海無涯 Blog: http://e-thg.blogspot.com/

AirAsia: were all parties at the EGM equally informed? - M.A. Wind

Author: Tan KW   |   Publish date: Sat, 28 May 2016, 06:05 PM 

Saturday, 28 May 2016  


AirAsia announced its latest quarterly results, the results were great, way above expectations and the share rose RM 0.28 to RM 2.40.

Yes, life can be good, that is, if you are a shareholder of AirAsia.

But life can be even better if you are allowed to buy 559 millions AirAsia shares at a price of RM 1.80.

And that is exactly what Tony Fernandez (Group CEO) and Kamarudin (Executive Chairman) are allowed to do through a private placement (PP). One of the largest I have seen on Bursa done by controlling shareholders.

On May 9, 2016 at the EGM non-interested shareholders approved the PP, as is required by the rules. So is everything above board?

Well ...... there is a nagging issue if all parties actually had the same information available at the EGM.

On one side surely Fernandez and Kamarudin must have known about the 2016/Q1 results, may be not in all detail yet, but at least the key numbers, and they must have known that the numbers were way better than expected by the analysts and the market.

On the other side, the non-interested shareholders were left in the dark, the official results were simply not yet announced, that would happen only about three weeks later.

According to data from Bloomberg analysts were surprised by the numbers: the results were 400% above expectation, pretty stunning.
The authorities should look into this situation, shareholders are supposed to have roughly the same amount of information when making an informed decision. The possible insiders knowledge of the Q1/2016 results appears to be material. If there was indeed a clear information bias, then minority shareholders should have been protected.
As written before, the whole issue could have been easily avoided if the company had replaced the PP by a rights issue of the same size, allowing all shareholders to participate.

套套平安】- KAREX(5247) 的盈利 Y-O-Y下跌了37%, PE = 32.31, 【套】了真的能平安吗?? - Harryt30

Author: Tan KW   |   Publish date: Sat, 28 May 2016, 11:00 PM 

Saturday, May 28, 2016 
保险套公司KAREX的业绩在星期五出炉,可是盈利却下跌了足足37%。主要是因为外汇亏损而导致盈利大幅度下滑,间接导致profit margin下跌。KAREX的前景虽然备受看好,而且保险套也会因为人口增加而导致需求增加。不过当中有一个风险,那就是KAREX的股价跑得比盈利快上1年以上。
为什么这么说呢??因为KAREX的PE一直保持在35以上,疯狂的时候更曾经超过40以上。这让笔者我真的下不了手,买过PE最高的也就是TOPGLOV的25左右。看到PE 40以上的KAREX, 怕死的笔者真的下不了手。
虽然笔者没有持有KAREX, 但是在许多读者要求下在今天对KAREX做了一点功课。以下是KAREX在最近6个季度的对比,希望这些功课可以对大家有一些帮助。

  •  KAREX的营业额在上个季度突破历史新高,而这个季度的营业也是第2高。无奈蒙受外汇亏损而导致盈利下跌。
  • 但是经过了笔者的观察下,笔者本身看到了几个小小的隐忧,待会大家可以自行做出判断。
  • 公司的Profit margin在过去4个季度一直保持在20%以上,这次终于下跌到10.92%.
  • 仔细看公司在FY2015Q2 - FY2016Q1这4个季度的外汇盈利高达17.819 mil。而这4个季度的盈利是69.4 mil,所以高达25.67%的盈利来自于外汇,这是非常不健康的水平。
  • 最近连续两个季度蒙受外汇亏损,而这个季度4.796 mil的外汇亏损更是夸张。
  • 不过仔细一想,之前的FY2016Q1可以单季有外汇盈利9 mil, 现在美金下滑导致4.8 mil左右的外汇亏损也是很正常的。
  • 公司在2015年头Private placement,所以现金才会突然暴涨。所以大家可以看到FY2015Q3的资产,股东权益,现金(紫色格子)。
  • 公司从PP获得了157.95 mil的额外资金,所以现金才会变得充裕。现在扣除债务公司有Net cash 140.5 mil的现金,不过其中的107 mil是必须要花在Working capital,生意扩张以及R and D。
  • 扣除以上的花费,公司可以动用的现金大约只有30 mil+。
  • 所以对于KAREX这种告诉扩张的公司,基本上股息是低的可怜。因为KAREX显得股数大约1亿,派一仙的股息就要10 mil。

公司说这次盈利下跌主要是因为4.8 mil的外汇亏损,跟去年同期的3.5 mil外汇盈利足足相差了8.3 mil。
跟上个季度相比的话,tender sales减低了不少。此外盈利下跌时因为营业额下跌以及外汇亏损。而上个季度的盈利原来也存在着One off Gain的水分。因为公司上个季度以13 mil收购了一家公司,而那家公司的估值是17.3 mil,所以上个季度账面上公司的盈利多出了4.3 mil。

假设扣除4.3 mil,上个季度的盈利最多只有18.3 mil,也不可能突破历史新高的盈利。而在FY2016Q1的时候,外汇亏损高达9 mil,但是盈利是22.28 mil。这意味着在去年7 - 9 月的季度,公司40%的盈利来自外汇,而不是来自保险套的operating profit。



  • 公司上个财政年外汇盈利的成分太过高,这不是很健康的现象。
  • 营业额的增长其实也没有笔者预测那么好,FY2015Q2的营业额是77 mil,但是最新季度的营业额只有88 mil,5个季度(15月的时间) 只有14%的营业额增长。但是汇率已经从3.328 上升到 4.22,足足有26.80%的增长。
  • 假设没有汇率的【助攻】,KAREX的营业额增长率真的是非常令人忧心。
  • 以KAREX股价增长的速度 vs 营业额的增长率,简直是有点惨不忍睹。
  • 大家对于KAREX的【期望】很高,所以当KAREX的业绩盈利不能符合【期望】。以市场现在的走势来看,LCTH, FLBHD以及GESHEN可能会是KAREX的榜样。
  • 星期一KAREX的股价很大机会会继续往下滑,但是也不失为买进的好机会。股价不跌,投资者那里会有机会买进你?
  • 以上是笔者以第3人角度去分析,毕竟自己不是持有者。如有不足之处,请大家多多见谅。
  • 往好的方面想,公司花费了上亿去扩张,相信未来几年的产量应该会增加。
  • 而且公司完全Net cash的公司,完全不会有债务方面的压力。


Author: Tan KW   |   Publish date: Sun, 29 May 2016, 10:39 PM 

2016-05-29 19:21






Author: Tan KW   |   Publish date: Sun, 29 May 2016, 10:39 PM 

2016-05-29 19:19





Airlines need to brace for possibility of higher fuel prices (The Star)

Author: Valuegrowth1nvesting   |   Publish date: Sat, 28 May 2016, 01:02 PM 

Airlines need to brace for possibility of higher fuel prices
THE fortunes of AirAsia Bhd seems to be ever changing.
Nearly a year go things were different after a report raised a few questions about the airline’s viability and that in turn had contributed to AirAsia’s share price plummeting. But now, after announcing a six fold rise in profits, it appears that its fortunes have reversed.
AirAsia share price rose 12% or 28 sen yesterday to close at RM2.40 a piece.
It was as low as 78 sen on Aug 26 last year.
According to current Bloomberg data, out of the 25 analysts tracking the stock, 17 have a “buy” call, five a “hold”, while there aren’t any “sell” call. 
Bloomberg’s consensus 12 month target price for AirAsia is RM2.65 a share.
This is a marked difference from before, when the research company GMT Research wrote that AirAsia had needed RM1.6bil in re-capitalisation.
To some experts though, the report was a wake-up call for the major owners of AirAsia and that incident had brought them back to getting more involved in the running of the airline.
AirAsia group turned in RM876mil in net profit for its first quarter ended March 31, from RM149mil previously.
This was driven by higher passenger loads, a 2% drop in unit cost, better yields, favourable currency movements and an extremely low fuel environment.
“We continue to be positive about AirAsia group’s improving fundamentals in 2016, especially at its previously loss-making associate airline as cheaper fuel supported their turnaround efforts,” says AffinDBS Research.
Even AirAsia X, a sister company that had been bleeding for the longest time, turned the corner but analysts are still cautious, as they want to wait and see a while longer.
Several analysts describe AirAsia’s group results as “stunning and above expectation.”
Malaysia Airlines Bhd (MAS) also this week announced that its cost is down by 32.9% year-on-year. 
That is a huge difference from previously but a lot also had to do with the 6,000 job cuts, low-cost fuel environment, and other improvements that are aimed at setting the airline on a path to sustainable profits. 
The airline did not announce how much money it made, but Christoph Mueller, its group CEO did say earlier to employees that they made RM16mil for the first quarter of 2016.
In MAS’ quarterly report, it said that the headcount reduction and improved work efficiency had also resulted in payroll savings (before exceptional items) of 40.5% year-on-year. At the same time, Mueller warned of a tough second quarter.
But observers say more needs to be done. “It needs to bring its cost down more as the future industry outlook will not be as rosy as the recent past,” says an analyst.
Solid profits
At the moment, the aviation industry is enjoying a stellar time, with demand outstripping supply in most markets and carriers recording solid profits due to lower jet fuel prices.
But higher fuel prices could be in the offing.
This week Brent crude oil prices touched the US$50 a barrel mark and jet fuel prices were also higher at US$56 a barrel from US$55 a barrel on May 13.
“Demand is still holding up well in this region, but we have to be realistic. The year 2015 was great for the industry, so will 2016 be. But expect some tapering in 2017-2018 as the global economic outlook is not so good. The party also cannot last forever, but many airlines have learnt lessons in the past to be better prepared for the future,” Maybank Investment Bank Bhd senior analyst Mohshin Aziz says.
The Interactional Air Transport Association also warned that “we are perhaps coming towards the end of the biggest stimulus to traffic from lower oil prices, and the bigger picture is that the wider economic backdrop remains subdued.”
Andrew Herdman, director-general of the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines added that while Asian carriers are encouraged by the sustained growth in passenger demand, they continue to face a challenging operating environment characterised by intense competition, cost pressures and volatile currency markets.
This is further emphasised by Schroder Investment Management (Singapore) Ltd chief economist and strategist Keith Wade who says that while the global economic outlook is brighter than it was earlier in the year, in the longer-term it is likely to remain tough.
The question is will airlines begin raising fares if oil prices rise again?
“When jet fuel prices reach the US$70 to US$80 a barrel level, the industry will start re-balancing itself. The airlines will adjust fares and capacity. They will do counter balancing before deployment of new capacity,” Mohshin adds.
But for now Mohshin says “at US$50 a barrel, airlines should not complain, it is still at its lowest since 2004 and it is strong days.”
According to AirAsia’s group CEO Tan Sri Tony Fernandes the rise of Brent to US$50 a barrel had “no major impact. (It is) still much lower than what it used to be. We are hedged.”
Airlines globally have hedged about 40% of their fuel requirements at about US$55 to US$56 a barrel.
As for AirAsia, CIMB Research says the group is 75% hedged for the remaining quarters of FY16 at an average jet fuel strike price of US$54/bbl.
“AirAsia will not be taking further hedges for this year but has opted to extend its hedges into next year, currently at 30% of 1Q17’s and 20% of 2Q17’s requirements with an average strike of US$57-58/bbl. This position will be built up further and will give AirAsia excellent cost protection at record low oil prices,” the house says.
Even at US$56 a barrel, jet fuel prices are still at a level that is considered lower on a historic basis, adds Maybank’s Mohshin.
When all is said and done, the airlines will have to brace for tougher times ahead if fuel cost goes up as they will have to be selective about adding more capacity and whether the roaring earnings will be sustainable.