
Microsoft Sends Out Windows 10 Upgrade Notice To Windows 7 And Windows 8 Users

By Alexandra Burlacu, Tech Times | June 2, 8:37 AM
Microsoft Windows 10 Upgrade Notice for Windows 7/ 8 Users
Microsoft has started sending notifications to Windows 7/ 8 users, inviting them to "reserve" their free upgrade to Windows 10.
(Photo : Microsoft)
Microsoft is creating more hype around its upcoming OS set for release on July 29 and is now prompting Windows 7/8 users to "reserve" their free copy of Windows 10.
The company announced a while back that Windows 10 will be available as a free upgrade to Windows 7 and Windows 8 users, hoping to get as many people as possible on board with its latest OS. Just recently, Microsoft also clarified that the free upgrade would be available only within the first year, after which users who want to upgrade to Windows 10 will have to pay for the privilege.
Microsoft has now started prompting Windows 7 and 8 users to reserve their free upgrade to Windows 10, giving a glimpse into how the whole update process could unfold.
As spotted by VentureBeat, Reddit user p4block started a thread in the Windows Reddit, sharing a screenshot of the notice they received on the Windows 8.1 system. The notification appears as a Start button icon in the bottom right of the screen, in the notification area on the taskbar.
Windows 10 is expected to start rolling out on July 29. CD copies, meanwhile, will likely become available toward the end of August.
This prompt to reserve your free upgrade to Windows 10 allows users to register their interest in the upgrade and receive notifications later on regarding when the OS update is ready for download. Users can cancel their registration at any time, if they change their mind for some reason. Once you register, Windows 10 will automatically install when it starts rolling out.
Some Windows 7 or Windows 8 users may have not received the notification to reserve their Windows 10 upgrade yet, but should see the prompt soon enough. Microsoft is likely rolling out notification in stages and location, so not all users will get it at the same time.
Those who did get the notification, meanwhile, can click on the icon and see a description of how the upgrade process will work. As previously mentioned, this is just for reservations, and it will not actually get you a copy of Windows 10 right away. Nevertheless, it will get interested users one step closer to the update, and will also allow Microsoft to get a better idea of how many Windows 7 and Windows 8 users are eager to try out Windows 10.

