
BREAKING NEWS] U Mobile #freeinternetforlife campaign offers free 1GB internet data monthly for new prepaid plan!

U Mobile #freeinternetforlife campaign offers free 1GB internet data monthly for new prepaid plan!

U Mobile’s is having their latest promotion now which offers free internet for life! Wow, now that certainly looks very attractive!
freeinternetforlife umobile
So what is actually going on here? U Mobile has launched their latest #freeinternetforlife campaign which offers free internet for life. To be specific, when you purchase a U Mobile starter pack at any U Mobile authorised dealers nationwide, whenever you make a minimum top-up amount of RM10 to that particular prepaid card you will be entitled to enjoy complimentary 1GB of high speed internet data every month as long as you keep your SIM car active.
This is seriously an unbelievable bargain that no other local telcos had ever given! Well, the surprise doesn’t end here. U Mobile is also kind enough to give additional 450 minutes of monthly free calls to any U Mobile number.
u mobile freeinternetforlife
Meanwhile, in conjunction with this campaign, U Mobile also giveaway a free 16GB iPhone 6 each to the 20,000th, 40,000th and 60,000th tweeter user who tweeted #freeinternetforlife.
Hurry, don’t miss this golden opportunity to win a iPhone 6 now!
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Thanks Kevin Ng for the tips!

