
Tong's Value Investing Portfolio: Raising cash to 39% of portfolio

Author: Tan KW   |   Publish date: Fri, 31 Jul 2015, 10:35 AM 

INVESTORS cheered Fitch Ratings’ outlook upgrade (from negative to stable) while reaffirming our sovereign rating last week by lifting shares broadly higher. The market has been girding for a downgrade and this about-turn is a rare positive amid a stream of negative news flow.
The ensuing relief rally lifted the FBM KLCI 23.5 points higher for the week at 1,734 — breaking the downtrend that had persisted for the past six consecutive weeks.
The rally, though, may be short-lived. Indeed, we saw mild profit taking emerge by Friday as investors are already looking forward, at events that could shape sentiment in the near to medium term. At the forefront would be the referendum in Greece, which will be held on Sunday.
The combative Greek prime minister shocked markets by announcing the referendum last weekend, which sent global stocks tumbling the following Monday. Sentiment, however, recovered quickly on the belief that some form of a deal can still be hashed out.
This optimism persisted through the week, despite the fact that euro officials rejected a fresh proposal by the Greek government, made after the referendum announcement. Greece has since defaulted on payments due to theInternational Monetary Fund.
Polls indicate the referendum outcome is too close to call. Since the market hates uncertainties, a “no” vote will likely send stocks spiralling anew. What happens in Greece has little direct impact on the rest of the world. Of greater concern would be the consequence, if any, for the eurozone, which will affect the global economy.
The other major lingering concern is the timing of the first US interest rate hike since the Great Recession. This will have a direct impact, especially on emerging markets.
Last Thursday’s jobs report showed continued improvement in the labour market, but unlikely strong enough to spur theUS Federal Reserve into early action. Nevertheless, there are indications that consumer spending is picking up steam. This is an important signal on the health of the world’s largest economy, given that consumer spending accounts for more than two-thirds of economic activities.
There are also those who believe that the Fed should raise rates this year — if only to “get this show on the road”. The pace of subsequent increases could still be slow and data-driven.
Emerging markets are susceptible to capital outflows when the US rates start rising. Given that gains for the past few years were driven, primarily, by the wall of liquidity, it stands to reason that a reversal will hurt stock prices. Countries with weaker underlying fundamentals are the most vulnerable.
To a certain extent, our local bourse has suffered the effects of foreign selling, especially through May-June. Total outflows from stock market in the first six months of this year have exceeded that for the whole of 2014. The FBM KLCI is down 1.5% for the year-to-date, among the worst-performing in the region.
On a more positive note, the bond market has held up far better. Yields on the benchmark Malaysian Government Securities (MGS) fell last week after Fitch’s latest report. Yields fall when bond prices rise. Still, the high foreign holding, around 47%, is a risk worth bearing in mind.
The ringgit weakened marginally against the greenback by Friday after a short-lived rally immediately after Fitch’s upgrade.
Elsewhere, the 2Q15 rally in oil may be losing steam. Global supply continues to outstrip demand. Recent data shows rising stockpiles at key trading hubs in Europe while tanker rates have also been driven higher by increasing storage demand. The global benchmark, Brent crude futures, are now hovering around US$62 per barrel, down from as high as US$68 in early-May.
This bodes well for beleaguered consumers, though not for the country as oil and gas is a key revenue earner.
Petrol prices have gone up by another 10-20 sen per litre this month for RON95/97 — and a cumulative 20-30 sen in the last 2 months — further pushing up the cost of living for consumers already struggling to keep pace with higher prices post-GST. The government also raised gas prices, to industrial and power consumers, by about 10% effective July.
I remain cautious on the near-term outlook for the stock market and last week’s rally offers an opportunity to reduce my exposure.
I disposed of my entire stake in Lii Hen. The stock surged 11.3% last week after proposing a 1-for-2 bonus issue and 1-to-2 split. The furniture manufacturer has been doing well with the demand recovery in the US and is a beneficiary of the weaker ringgit. However, I decided to lock-in my profits, making a handsome 33.8% gain over the few short months since acquisition.
I also took profit on half of my holdings in Cocoaland. Its share price rose strongly after the company received an offer to buy its entire snack and confectionary business last month. I made 53.8% return on my investment.
Following the disposals, my portfolio is now 61% invested, down from 75% in the previous week.
Total returns for my portfolio now stand at 14.3% since inception. I continue to outperform the benchmark index, which is down by 5.2% over the same period, by some distance.

This article first appeared in The Edge Malaysia Weekly, on July 6 - 12, 2015.

pavreit 30jun2015 quarter report

Kulim to inject RM142.48mil into Indonesian subsidiary

Monday, 17 February 2014
KUALA LUMPUR: Kulim (M) Bhd plans to inject a total of RM142.48mil into its Indonesian subsidiary PT Wisesa Inspirasi Nusantara (PT WIN) under a corporate exercise.
Kulim said on Monday US$25.30mil (RM84.11mil) would be injected into its 74% owned PT WIN as working capital to buy plantation land. The remaining 26% stake in PT WIN wouldl be held by PT Graha Sumber Berkah (PT GSB).
It also received the Indonesian regulator's approval to transfer 3.326 million PT WIN shares from PT GSB and 1,000 PT WIN shares from Raden Wisik Tomo Siddi - who is a director of PT WIN --  for US$17.14m (RM56.98mil).
The regulator also allowed the issuance of 4.99 million new PT WIN shares to be subscribed by Kulim for RM1.37mil.

Type-C叫好不叫座 周邊廠商苦!

USB 3.0在二○○八年標準正式制定後,受限筆記型電腦採用的數量不大,嚴重影響製造成本,最終僅淪於叫好不叫座的窘境。如今Type-C挾技術優勢粉墨登場,卻可能步上USB 3.0後塵。

隨著數位內容檔案越來越大,傳輸問題成為數位使用者最大的問題,各種傳輸標準也紛紛爭搶主流地位。通用序列匯流排(universal serial bus; USB)自從在二○○○年四月正式公布USB 2.0標準後,因有高達每秒四八○Mbps的傳輸速度,讓USB正式躍居電腦傳輸的主流地位。


儘管USB 2.0躍居主流,但是依然有其他傳輸標準企圖另起爐灶,其中來勢洶洶的,首推中央處理器大廠英特爾(Intel)所主推的Thunderbolt。二○○九年,英特爾在英特爾科技論壇(IDF)上發表Thunderbolt技術,而蘋果也在二○一一年二月正式獨家發布搭載Thunderbolt傳輸技術的MacBook Pro,以及售價二十九美元的連接線。

二○一三年至二○一五年,英特爾又陸續推出了Thunderbolt 2和Thunderbolt 3,連接口則更換為USB Type-C。由於支援Thunderbolt的廠商不多,而且採用Thunderbolt的裝置大多是高階產品,價格昂貴,因此普及程度遠低於對手USB。為此,英特爾特別將Thunderbolt的連接口改為可與USB Type-C相容,期使Thunderbolt介面變得更普及。

Type-C介面規格在二○一四年四月USB開發者論壇正式制定後,電腦大廠蘋果也在公司新世代Apple MacBook率先搭載Type-C,另外包括谷歌在第二代Chromebook Pixel筆記型電腦、諾基亞在平板電腦N1等產品中,亦陸續採用Type C介面插槽;至於台系筆記型電腦廠華碩(2357)的Eeebook E202和Transformer Book T100HA也有採用。

只不過,其他筆記型電腦大廠對於在產品上搭載Type-C的意願似乎相對薄弱,也讓Type-C重蹈當初USB 3.0推出時的歷史覆轍,亦即市場普遍預期需求將大量爆發,但最後只有供應鏈廠商一頭熱,而筆電品牌廠遲遲猶疑不定,形成叫好不叫座的窘境。

1113.《迎八送七》- 7月组合报告 + 迎接Quarterly Report满满的8月,告别“七翻身”的July!



7月份,组合里9家公司有6家破新高,所以才能摆脱了5穷6绝。而且我现在40%的盈利都是Realized profit,所以股市下跌的时候也不会变成一场空。总结,今年7月的魔法投资组合已经达到了我去年设定的20% return。也是我3年投资以来表现最好的一年,还有5个月才可以总结木羊年的成绩。我会继续步步为营,寻求更高的突破。共勉之。


1112.《2015建筑之皇》- MITRA(9571)美德再也陆续有来,木羊年再创高峰!!

MITRAJAYA美德再也上一次突破历史新高是5月19号,价格是RM2.01.而在5月21号,第11大马计划11MP还没有公布之前,股价一度冲到RM2.08.可惜在Jib Gor公布了没有惊喜的11MP,MITRA的股价应声而跌。也这样在RM1.80 - 1.90之间徘徊整整2个月,股价在前天7月28日终于突破了历史新高RM2.02。在2015年7个月内的时间内,股价从RM0.98上涨到今天的RM1.98, 整整有102.04%的涨幅。

这在马来西亚45家建筑股里可算是独领风骚,称之为建筑领域的皇者也不为过。回看今年的马股,涨幅超过100%的应该不超过50家,而MITRA就是其中一家。而且2015年的前景看好,Hong leong Bank已经给出了RM2.92的目标价格。今天就让我们一起挖掘隐藏在MITRA身上的“宝藏”吧。

上图是MITRA的Corporate Sturcture,包括了建筑,产业,医药保健,Quality Control以及其它等。
上图是MITRA的7位Board of director,本人曾经出席他们今年的股东大会。所以其中6个都见过了。
以上是Chairman的报告,也是Annual report最重要的一环之一。主要是概括了过去1年公司的表现以及对未来的的展望。

在2014年的时候,公司也获得了1.14 billion的建筑合约,截至今年4月的时候又高达1.88 billion的合约在手。2015年的季度报告出炉后,MITRA手上还握有1.75 billion的合约在手。而且今年还有5个月的时间,相信MITRA还是有机会获得更多建筑工程。因此凭着手握的合约,Mitra就可以一直忙碌到2017年。
反观Mitra在南非的产业投资以及高尔夫球场,在最新15Q1的季度贡献了13.5%的盈利。而且98.57 million的Unbilled sales将会在2015年底进帐。单单这笔销售额就是2014年接近20%的revenue,所以MITRA在南非经营了接近20年终于开始带来喜人的盈利了。
2014年的EPS比2013年进步了83.5%左右,管理层有信心今年的营业额会Double,而且Profit Margin也会有所进步。假设2015年的营业额有1.05 Bil, 而Profit Margin有11.5%,2015年的盈利可以高达1亿2000万左右。以现在403mil的outstanding计算,乐观估计的EPS竟然可以高达30仙左右。


在2014年MITRA手上暂时还有87 mil的地皮等待着发展,这就是我所谓被隐藏的“宝藏”。

上图是2014年Annual report的资产以及地皮的清单,单单还没有被发展的地皮价值就超过80mil左右。很多已经超过10年 - 15年没有被重估过,假设被重估,释放出来的价值是非常惊人的。


这是Hong Leong Bank之前的估算,MITRA的409.7 arces的地皮,Book value是188 mil。可是现在的Market Value其实已经值755 mil,差异足足有567 mil。假设把地皮重估,MITRA的NTA应该会有2.43左右。

NTA 2.40的计算方式:

最新季度的NTA = 1.03

被重估的地皮 = 567 mil/ 403mil = 1.40

Revalue过的NTA = 1.03 + 1.40 = 2.43。





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亞馬遜雨林非天然 是人造森林

全球最大、物種最多的熱帶雨林「亞馬遜雨林(Amazon Rainforest)」非天然?國際一個科學家團隊發現,亞馬遜並非原始熱帶雨林,是當地土著改造的成果。
據英國《每日郵報》(Daily Mail)報導,科學家團隊發現,公元前3000年已有不少民族在亞馬遜流域生活,他們在此處栽種作物、飼養牲畜,發展一套獨特的生活模式。科學家聲稱,生長於亞馬遜流域的作物種類繁多,至少高達83種,而大量產生的農業廢棄物使土壤肥沃,形成特有「黑土」。
而這些豐富的黑土,對當地的生態環境的影響甚鉅。研究亞馬遜流域專家查理斯(Charles Clement)指出,黑土化程度高的區域,可見龐大的人口數及土著人栽種的植物,而這類區域約佔亞馬遜流域0.1%。



吃地瓜葉好處多多 (從前你沒吃,現在可別放過它)
地瓜葉 降膽固醇,具有防治高血壓、退肝火、利尿等功效



芝加哥大学政治学副教授Dan Slater在East Asia Forum撰文指出,马来西亚现在所发生的政治乱象,是马哈迪所导致的。
Dan Slater指出,这一切可追溯自马哈迪1981-2003的执政生涯。当时马哈迪是以大胜姿态,在1981年当上首相,但是后来却令国家负债累累。
Dan Slater补充,纳吉开除副首相慕尤丁的做法,其实也只是仿效马哈迪当年撤除安华副首相职的手法,那就是副手一旦质疑首相,就会被铲除。

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