
今年直接杀进前20名了, 好样的, 加油! 马来西亚! 我国竞争力在全亚洲是第5 名, 全东南亚是第二名.

Malaysia clinches 20th spot in Global Competitiveness Report(大马国际竞争力报告排行第20)

Malaysia’s ranking in the Global Competitiveness Report 2014-2015 improved as it took the 20th spot, up from last year’s 24th position, reported the media.
Despite being the country’s best position so far, Malaysia Productivity Corp director-general, Datuk Mohd Razali Hussain said the government plans to continue to intensify efforts in the pillars of labour market efficiency, macroeconomic environment and technological readiness.(政府还会持续增强经济上的竞争力)
Notably, macroeconomic environment posted a drop of “six places to 44th position from 38th last year. Our area of concern is the government budget balance and general government debt,” said Mohd Razali.
“On technological readiness, Malaysia declined nine places to 60th position from 51st previously.”
He said MPC plans to propose the creation of task force to improve Malaysia’s technological readiness.
Among the initiatives that will be intensified include international Internet bandwidth, mobile broadband subscriptions per 100 population as well as fixed broadband Internet subscriptions per 100 population.
On the labour market efficiency pillar, which climbed from last year’s 25th position to 19th, Mohd Razali revealed that the government will continue to intensify initiatives to promote women’s participation in the labour force.
Notably, 52.4 percent of the country’s entire female population are working last year.
“We will hold discussions with various ministries and agencies to improve Malaysia’s position in the three pillars, as well as, hold more engagements with the business community,” he added.
The Global Competitiveness Report, which is based on the Global Competitiveness Index, was introduced in 2004 by the World Economic Forum.


本帖最后由 u0508950 于 3-9-2014 05:23 PM 编辑

