
Malaysia Palm Oil Industry Performance for August

The following table shows Malaysia’s palm oil production, stocks, exports and imports for August according to the Malaysian Palm Oil Board.
                             Aug.     July     June      May    April    March
                             2014     2014     2014     2014     2014     2014
Stock                    ----------------------- MoM% ------------------------
 Total Palm Oil            21.92%    1.69%  -10.03%    4.25%    4.63%    1.88%
  Crude Palm Oil           26.69%    8.08%  -15.46%   -2.38%   15.89%   -6.17%
  Processed Palm Oil       16.51%   -4.70%   -3.86%   12.99%   -7.24%   12.00%
 Palm Kernel               28.45%   32.12%  -12.40%    1.93%    6.89%   18.85%
 Crude Palm Kernel Oil     35.72%  -14.09%   15.04%   -2.10%   12.42%    9.57%
 Crude Palm Oil            21.98%    6.11%   -5.27%    6.50%    3.92%   17.35%
 Palm Kernel               28.10%   13.66%  -10.51%    2.62%    0.62%   20.04%
 Crude Palm Kernel Oil     26.08%   -1.93%   -5.98%    5.01%    3.60%    4.14%

                             Aug.     July     June      May    April    March
                             2014     2014     2014     2014     2014     2014
Export                   ----------------------- MoM% ------------------------
 Palm Oil                  -0.42%   -2.58%    5.32%   10.90%    1.84%   -7.82%
 Palm Kernel Oil           -5.52%   26.76%  -32.27%   -0.07%   -1.74%    3.79%
 Crude Palm Oil           -67.34%      n/a      n/a  301.45%  -79.41%   24.19%
 Processed Palm Oil       169.63%  -49.22%  -74.24%    3.93%  655.75% 1131.97%

Stock                    ----------------------- YoY% ------------------------
 Total Palm Oil            23.13%    0.63%    0.55%    1.37%   -7.74%  -22.33%
  Crude Palm Oil           13.71%    2.46%   -2.42%    1.50%  -10.02%  -30.63%
  Processed Palm Oil       37.15%   -0.07%    3.71%    1.24%   -4.56%  -11.11%
 Palm Kernel               17.54%   27.37%   15.27%   21.44%   14.99%   13.82%
 Crude Palm Kernel Oil     49.53%    3.21%   -4.28%  -24.92%  -36.43%  -51.38%
 Crude Palm Oil            17.08%   -0.55%   10.79%   19.69%   13.85%   12.98%
 Palm Kernel               18.96%   -1.04%    2.13%   16.43%   13.43%   13.89%
 Crude Palm Kernel Oil     20.13%   -4.44%    5.21%   14.98%   12.36%   -3.45%
                             Aug.     July     June      May    April    March
                             2014     2014     2014     2014     2014     2014
Export                   ----------------------- YoY% ------------------------
 Palm Oil                  -5.83%   -0.71%    5.00%   -0.06%  -12.85%  -19.05%
 Palm Kernel Oil          -19.23%  -27.90%  -28.78%  -12.11%  -19.57%  -14.29%
 Crude Palm Oil           -63.70%   -5.23% -100.00%  -49.26%  -88.86%  -77.12%
 Processed Palm Oil      2481.65%  -86.72%  -57.92%   33.66%   49.78%  -88.63%

Stock                    ----------------- Thousand tonnes -------------------
 Palm Oil                 2,054.0  1,684.7  1,656.7  1,841.3  1,766.2  1,688.1
  Crude Palm Oil          1,134.3    895.4    828.4    979.8  1,003.7    866.1
  Processed Palm Oil        919.7    789.4    828.3    861.5    762.5    822.0
 Palm Kernel                211.4    164.6    124.6    142.2    139.5    130.5
 Crude Palm Kernel Oil      202.6    149.2    173.7    151.0    154.2    137.2
 Crude Palm Oil           2,031.8  1,665.7  1,569.7  1,657.0  1,555.8  1,497.1
 Palm Kernel                520.2    406.1    357.3    399.2    389.0    386.6
 Crude Palm Kernel Oil      216.0    171.4    174.7    185.8    177.0    170.8
                             Aug.     July     June      May    April    March
                             2014     2014     2014     2014     2014     2014
Export                   ----------------- Thousand tonnes -------------------
 Palm Oil                 1,437.5  1,443.6  1,481.8  1,406.9  1,268.6  1,245.8
 Palm Kernel Oil             71.0     75.1     59.3     87.5     87.6     89.1
 Crude Palm Oil               2.5      7.7      0.0      8.0      2.0      9.7
 Processed Palm Oil          15.1      5.6     11.0     42.7     41.1      5.4
Note 1: Previous months data are based on previous press releases and may
        be revised      
Note 2: Stock data refers to the total physical amount of crude and
        processed palm oil kept at the premises of mill refineries,
        bulking installations and oleochemical plants as at the end of
        the month.      
Source: Malaysian Palm Oil Board
To contact the reporter on this story: Daniel Petrie in Hong Kong at dpetrie5@bloomberg.net
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Marco Babic at mbabic@bloomberg.net

