
How to change your TMNet Streamyx password?

Fur­ther to my yesterday’s post on OMB-My streamyx broad­band account was hacked, I was asked how to actu­ally change the password.
Before you decide to change your streamyx broad­band login pass­word, you need to know how to re-configure your modem/router with the new pass­word or else you would not be able to login to the inter­net if your modem/router is NOT updated with the new password.
Modem/router instruc­tion manual
The eas­i­est way is to read the instruc­tion man­ual which come with the modem/router. If you ever lost your instruc­tion man­ual (as most of us do), just go the modem/router itself and check the sticker on the back or logo printed on the device. You would be able to get the model num­ber and the make (i.e. man­u­fac­turer) of the modem/router. Then go to Google and search for instruc­tion man­ual. Read the man­ual care­fully and make notes on how to con­fig­ure later on.
How to change the streamyx pass­word via internet
Step 1 Go to the “MCM&B Self­care” web­site.
Step 2 Type in your Streamyx user­name, but do not put “@streamyx.”
Step 3 Type in your Streamyx pass­word. [of course you must know your orig­i­nal pass­word; this pass­word is given to you when you first set up your streamyx account]
Step 4 Choose “Streamyx” under “Ser­vice.” A main menu will pop up with all of your account infor­ma­tion, as shown below.
Step 5 Go to “Account Man­age­ment,” which is located some­where at the mid­dle of the page.
Step 6 Click on “Change Pass­word” and type in your old pass­word, new pass­word. Hit “Update” to save your changes. [This changes the pass­word for all the ser­vices and appli­ca­tions included in your account.]. Then logout.
If you wish to change the pass­word for spe­cific TMNet ser­vices, click on the box beside “Indi­vid­u­ally change pass­word for each ser­vice” you want. Fol­low the direc­tions on the suc­ceed­ing page, as shown below.
Next step: re-configure your modem/router set­tings with the new pass­word. This must be per­formed or else you would not be able to access to the inter­net because the modem/router would still store you old password.
Tips & Warnings
Be sure to write down your new pass­word and save it in a safe loca­tion. And never reveal to any­body, treat it like your bank ATM password.
Also it is advis­able to change your pass­word fre­quently. And never use sim­ple pass­word like TMNet123!
Kindly be advised that you are chang­ing the pass­word at your own risk. Teh Tarik Kaki should not be held respon­si­ble for any unfore­seen cir­cum­stances result­ing from you fol­low­ing the above steps.

