
Short Term Trading Vs Day Trading Success Factor

Author: keithlauct   |   Publish date: Wed, 9 Apr 08:46

Dear readers,
There are skeptics out there is understandable as they do not understand my post.
My trade signals are meant for short term. Meaning less than a 2 weeks and if the targets are hit, just take it and move on.
Trading is all about RISK MANAGEMENT.. and trading will bound to have losses. Just need to have more bigger winning trades and losses are kept to small or minimal.
Trading without a PLAN is bound to FAIL!. Dont ask me why, ask yourself , are you risking too much or too big of a position sizing. If you are then, you should relook at your trading objectives or PLAN.
And if you belief it or not, to make money , you will need to DONATE first not to me, or not to market. DONATE to charity with no expectations in return. GIVE AND YOU WILL GET GOOD MERITS IN RETURN.
Trader with a Heart,

