
Gold Bugs and Other financial advise

Rm 1.18 chance to buy ----
1 ) two quarters earned Rm 1亿, eps = 15 sen, individual estimated annual June 2014 earns Rm 1.73亿, eps = 25sen, take pe = 8 times the count , insas reasonable price Rm 2.00
2 ) Take full year eps = 25 sen count, now Rm 1.18 in trading , pe = 4.7 times , obviously underestimated .
3 ) Want clothed dare to dare to enter insas it.
4 ) If the price has dropped, I am confident overweight.
5) insas the intrinsic value of a good , good balance sheet , the market share has been rising in many many good , insas is struggling catching up , as more people explore the value insas of prospects, Fu- future already seen , Haha .
6) insas holds significant shares of inari, FRb, ho hup. They have been the first mate of the price rise . Value-added effect, will gradually reflected in the share price insas .

Insas, via Insas Plaza Sdn Bhd, also owns a 3.34% stake in Ho Hup Construction Co Bhd and some 10.16% in Formis Resources Bhd.
On its unlisted stakes, Insas wholly owns stockbroking company, M & A Securities Sdn Bhd. It also has a 20% stake in Gleneagles Medical Centre and 43.4% stake in the Melium Group.
7 ) like the company diversified business, can offset a downturn in the business, ensuring every year net profit .
8 ) The company has RM3.3 million in cash , financial stability and strong , you can ride out any economic storm , so you can feel at ease to invest in insas.
9 ) The company nTA = RM1.70, believed to the end of June 2014 financial year , nTA can be increased to RM1.80 (10sen from the third and fourth quarters of net profit ) .
10 ) in June 2013 fiscal year net profit RM6 over ten million estimated in June 2014 fiscal year earn RM1.7 billion respectively. In comparison , the net profit increased by nearly 150 % increase in dividend to believe will significantly strengthen risen power.
11 ) These are stimulated rising price muster agents , personal finishing with projections, and out of conceit .
Rm 1.18 机会買入----
1)兩个季度赚Rm 1亿 ,eps=15 sen ,个人估计全年2014年6月可赚Rm 1.73亿 ,eps=25sen ,取pe=8倍算,insas 合理价为Rm 2.00
2)取全年eps=25 sen 算,现Rm 1.18在交易,pe=4.7倍 ,很明显是低估了.
6)insas持有显著股份的inari,FRb,ho hup。它们股价已大副度上升。增值的效应,也会逐渐反应在insas的股价上。
Insas, via Insas Plaza Sdn Bhd, also owns a 3.34% stake in Ho Hup Construction Co Bhd and some 10.16% in Formis Resources Bhd.
On its unlisted stakes, Insas wholly owns stockbroking company, M&A Securities Sdn Bhd. It also has a 20% stake in Gleneagles Medical Centre and 43.4% stake in the Melium Group.
9)现公司nTA=RM1.70 ,相信到2014年6月的财政年结束,nTA可增加到RM1.80 (10sen来自第三,四季的净利)。

