
7 Holy Tips from Ben Graham for the Sinful Investor

Author: Tan KW   |   Publish date: Sat, 9 Nov 15:56

November 8th, 2013

Written by
Jae Jun

1.  Never Lose Money.
2.  Invest.  Don’t Speculate.
3.  Don’t Invest on Margin.
4.  Don’t Listen to Mr. Market.
5.  Don’t Forget a Margin of Safety.
6.  Don’t Listen to Bad Management.
7.  Don’t Stop Reading.
For more thoughts on each point, check out Modern Graham.

Learn to Read a Book

This weekend, how about learning how to read a book?
A project that I am currently working on is bring you exceptionally designed and resourceful content. For some reason all investing websites are bland and boring to look at. Investors are smart, but many sites are just really difficult to read.
Writing is great, but with visual aid, it can be awesome.
The first resource I’m opening up to you is an updated list of my highly recommended investment books.
I find hidden gems to read by searching for books with less than 20 five star reviews on Amazon.
That means, barely anyone knows about it. A shame really, because it’s always the really good books that never get the recognition it deserves.

Check out my list of 15 best investment books no one knows about.

