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KUALA LUMPUR, (Sept 30): Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanazlah said priority would be given to people-centric projects, under Budget 2016.
In a statement today, Ahmad Husni said these included affordable housing, besides rural electrification, water supply and road.
Ahmad Husni said "suggestions and views by Members of Parliament (MP) for Budget 2016, were noted and would be used as input."
He said this after a dialogue yesterday between MPs and the Finance Ministry to get suggestions and feedback for Budget 2016.
Prime Minister and Finance Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak will announce the budget this coming Oct 23.
Today, Ahmad Husni said the MPs had raised issues, including a more challenging global economy, falling prices of commodities like crude oil, oil palm and rubber, as well as the ringgit's depreciation.
Therefore, careful planning should be emphasised as early as possible, he said.
"Government agencies need to work together to avoid duplication of functions and programmes, so that the agencies will be able to reduce wastage and implement high-impact programmes," Ahmad Husni said.
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