

基本面的数据 (三)

1) Minority Interest/Non-Controlling interests (少数股东权益)

Case 1
A 公司持有 B公司 100% 的股份, B 公司是 A 公司的 独资子公司 ( WHOLLY OWN SUBSIDAIRY)

Case 2
A 公司持有 B公司 80% 的股份, C 公司持 B 公司的 20% , B 公司是 A 公司司的子公司( SUBSIDAIRY)
在 A 公司财报中的MINORITY INTEREST 就是指 C 公司的权益

2) Deferred Tax Liability (递延所得税负债)

简单来说是 Book value 根 tax based value 的 差距。
比如你公司买辆车, cost = 100 

第一年 depreciated = 20 and thus book value = 80
但你公司的tax里,政府第一年可以给你们claim 40 capital allowance 

而你们也claim了 and thus the 

tax based value = 100-40= 60
deferred tax liability = 80-60 =20
如果是 tax based value 多过 book value 就是 deferred tax liability了

3) Provision for taxation (税项拨备)


4) Trade and other receivable (应收账款及其他应收款)

Sales made but not-paid for by the customers (trade debtors). These shown as current assets in a balance sheet. In fact, unsecured promises by customers to pay in the future. 


5) Trade and other payable (贸易及其他应付款项)

Money which a company owes to vendors for products and services purchased on credit. When trade payable are paid off, it represents a negative cash flow for the company.

我常常看Trade and other receivable 和 Trade and other payable 的数目相差多少。一个收钱,另一个给钱,能达到平均是最好。

6) Cash and cash equivalent (现金及现金等值项目)

有些公司也在这里的账目动手脚来欺骗股东。不过,这是可以查到的,只要算一算interest income/cash and cash equivalent x 100% = interest rate。找出公司deposit 的 saving rate (eg. CBIP is 2.8% per annum record in Note 19 from Annual Report 2012)。如果计算出来的interest rate 低过 银行的 saving rate, 就有可能做假账。


