
OSKH, OSKProp and PJDev merger

Author: Ooi Teik Bee   |   Publish date: Wed, 15 Oct 23:09

Dear valued clients,
I feel that I am obligated to post this article in I3 because I am the one who recommended PJDev-WC in this forum. I had to highlight the fundamental of PJDev so that the readers can make good decision to decide to "sell or hold" this stock.
This is a voluntary takeover of PJDev by OSKH, it is actually injecting OLH's family stake of PJDev into OSKH so that OSKH can control PJDev.
Please reject this offer, PJDev will continue to be listed in KLSE like Encorp. The share price will drop temporary, it will be back to normal if all shareholders reject this takeover.
Mr OLH previous dealing
OSK Iinvestment Bank merged with RHBCap, Mr OLH asked for the below price of OSK investment Bank.
1.77 times Book Value (BV)
18.9 times historical PER. 
CIMB and RHBCap merging plan
RHBCap merges with CIMB,
1.5 times Book Value.
What is the fair price of PJDev and OSKProp ?
1.5 times Book Value of PJDev is 3.76
1.5 times Book Value of OSKProp is 2.77
Is the offer price of OSKH to PJDev at 1.60 and OSKProp at 2.00 respectively fair ?
Ans : Totally unfair and unacceptable. Please reject this offer.
Thank you.
The FA report of PJDev and OSKProp are as follows :-
Year STD 2014 Q4 2014 Q2  
Stock name   PJDEV OSKPROP  
Share price   1.67 2.27  
No. of shares   456,137 243,743  
Market cap   761,749 553,297  
Sales   1,169,502 618,849  
Net profit   223,999 88,070  
EBIT   265,210 126,368  
EPS   0.49 0.37  
P/E <=10 3.38 6.14  
Total Asset   1,777,818 1,005,378  
Equity   1,144,830 450,037  
Total liabilities   640,801 536,888  
Borrowings   272,177 190,234  
Minority interest   -7,813 18,453  
Cash & Securities   136,976 149,856  
Stock   160,822 170,181  
EV = Market Cap + Mi + (Borrowings - Cash)         889,137 612,128  
EV/EBIT <8.0 3.35 4.84  
NTA   2.54 1.87  
Cash Flow From Operation (CFFO) >Net profit 24,874 44,281  
Free cash flow >10% sale 188,740 4,016  
Dividend (cent)   5.00 5.00  
Dividend Yield   3.0% 2.2%  
Net profit margin (N.profit/sales) >8% 19.15% 14.23%  
Asset turnover (sales/t.asset) >0.5 0.66 0.62  
Financial leverage (Total asset/equity) <2.0 1.55 2.23  
ROE >10% 19.57% 19.57%  
Price/Book Value   0.67 1.23  
3 years returns   37.66% 57.12%  
Method 1        
Target price (EV/EBIT=8)   4.37 3.91  
Current Price    1.67 2.27  
Margin of Safety   61.80% 41.89%  
Potential gain   161.80% 72.08%  
Method 2        
ROE   19.57% 19.57%  
Rr, %   8.00% 8.00%  
NTA   2.54 1.87  
IV= ROE/ Rr*NTA   6.21 4.57  
Current Price    1.67 2.27  
Margin of Safety   73.12% 50.38%  
Potential gain   271.99% 101.51%  
Method 3        
(22.5*EPS*Book value per share)^0.5        
EPS   0.49 0.37  
Total equity   1144830 450037  
Number of shares   456137 243743  
(22.5*EPS*Total Equity/share)^0.5   5.29 3.92  
Current price   1.67 2.27  
Margin of Safety   68.40% 42.10%  
Potential gain   216.50% 72.71%  
Warrant   PJDEV-WC OSKP-WC  
    Target   Target
Expiration date  5/12/2020 Price 28/8/2017 Price
Exercise price  1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Price of Mother share (Lowest) 1.67 3.76 2.27 2.77
Intrinsic value of WA 0.67 2.76 1.27 1.77
Actual price of WA 0.800 2.76 1.22 1.77
Premium or Discount 7.78% 0.00% -2.20% 0.00%
Gearing 2.09 1.36 1.86 1.56
  Current Target Gain %  
Actual price (PJDev-WC) 0.80 2.76 245%  
  Current Target Gain %  
Actual price (OSKProp-WC) 1.22 1.77 45%  

