


OSKH, OSKProp and PJDev merger

Author: Ooi Teik Bee   |   Publish date: Wed, 15 Oct 23:09

Dear valued clients,
I feel that I am obligated to post this article in I3 because I am the one who recommended PJDev-WC in this forum. I had to highlight the fundamental of PJDev so that the readers can make good decision to decide to "sell or hold" this stock.
This is a voluntary takeover of PJDev by OSKH, it is actually injecting OLH's family stake of PJDev into OSKH so that OSKH can control PJDev.
Please reject this offer, PJDev will continue to be listed in KLSE like Encorp. The share price will drop temporary, it will be back to normal if all shareholders reject this takeover.
Mr OLH previous dealing
OSK Iinvestment Bank merged with RHBCap, Mr OLH asked for the below price of OSK investment Bank.
1.77 times Book Value (BV)
18.9 times historical PER. 
CIMB and RHBCap merging plan
RHBCap merges with CIMB,
1.5 times Book Value.
What is the fair price of PJDev and OSKProp ?
1.5 times Book Value of PJDev is 3.76
1.5 times Book Value of OSKProp is 2.77
Is the offer price of OSKH to PJDev at 1.60 and OSKProp at 2.00 respectively fair ?
Ans : Totally unfair and unacceptable. Please reject this offer.
Thank you.
The FA report of PJDev and OSKProp are as follows :-
Year STD 2014 Q4 2014 Q2  
Stock name   PJDEV OSKPROP  
Share price   1.67 2.27  
No. of shares   456,137 243,743  
Market cap   761,749 553,297  
Sales   1,169,502 618,849  
Net profit   223,999 88,070  
EBIT   265,210 126,368  
EPS   0.49 0.37  
P/E <=10 3.38 6.14  
Total Asset   1,777,818 1,005,378  
Equity   1,144,830 450,037  
Total liabilities   640,801 536,888  
Borrowings   272,177 190,234  
Minority interest   -7,813 18,453  
Cash & Securities   136,976 149,856  
Stock   160,822 170,181  
EV = Market Cap + Mi + (Borrowings - Cash)         889,137 612,128  
EV/EBIT <8.0 3.35 4.84  
NTA   2.54 1.87  
Cash Flow From Operation (CFFO) >Net profit 24,874 44,281  
Free cash flow >10% sale 188,740 4,016  
Dividend (cent)   5.00 5.00  
Dividend Yield   3.0% 2.2%  
Net profit margin (N.profit/sales) >8% 19.15% 14.23%  
Asset turnover (sales/t.asset) >0.5 0.66 0.62  
Financial leverage (Total asset/equity) <2.0 1.55 2.23  
ROE >10% 19.57% 19.57%  
Price/Book Value   0.67 1.23  
3 years returns   37.66% 57.12%  
Method 1        
Target price (EV/EBIT=8)   4.37 3.91  
Current Price    1.67 2.27  
Margin of Safety   61.80% 41.89%  
Potential gain   161.80% 72.08%  
Method 2        
ROE   19.57% 19.57%  
Rr, %   8.00% 8.00%  
NTA   2.54 1.87  
IV= ROE/ Rr*NTA   6.21 4.57  
Current Price    1.67 2.27  
Margin of Safety   73.12% 50.38%  
Potential gain   271.99% 101.51%  
Method 3        
(22.5*EPS*Book value per share)^0.5        
EPS   0.49 0.37  
Total equity   1144830 450037  
Number of shares   456137 243743  
(22.5*EPS*Total Equity/share)^0.5   5.29 3.92  
Current price   1.67 2.27  
Margin of Safety   68.40% 42.10%  
Potential gain   216.50% 72.71%  
Warrant   PJDEV-WC OSKP-WC  
    Target   Target
Expiration date  5/12/2020 Price 28/8/2017 Price
Exercise price  1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Price of Mother share (Lowest) 1.67 3.76 2.27 2.77
Intrinsic value of WA 0.67 2.76 1.27 1.77
Actual price of WA 0.800 2.76 1.22 1.77
Premium or Discount 7.78% 0.00% -2.20% 0.00%
Gearing 2.09 1.36 1.86 1.56
  Current Target Gain %  
Actual price (PJDev-WC) 0.80 2.76 245%  
  Current Target Gain %  
Actual price (OSKProp-WC) 1.22 1.77 45%  


Friday, 17 October 2014

昨日股市的超级反弹果然吓得人措手不及,前天大家还在绝望中,包括雨文本人也是。股市大起大落使得人人的情绪管理也出现一点点的失常。雨文的好宝贝前天也 非常的emo,面对顾客们的margin call,连乐天派的她也遭殃。基本上,我上星期也经历一样的情绪,不想见人、不想说话、不想出去,可以就在家睡觉,而且一整天看着红盘是格外的累。这个 情绪不是因为自己输很多(自己还懂得风险管理),而是最重要是面对顾客的Portfolio,面对顾客的问题,很难去给一个很准确连本身也不晓得的未知 数,例如还会不会再跌?这个股会不会死?要不要砍?为什么会跌?几时会最低?可以买吗?现在卖再买回?而这一些问题都不能肯定性来解答,唯一可以就是以自 己的负责任的态度去回答。顾客认识对股市比较熟悉的就是股票经纪,所以我是责无旁货,一定要负起这个动作。我庆幸我手上使用margin的顾客都属于比较 成熟的投资者,所以没有一个人中Margin call。回想起,当年在期货的日子,顾客因为margin call要砍仓,那个心情是真的非常十分无比难受的,回到家还要躲起来哭,不是因为自己输钱,而是因为顾客输钱。一天要面对那么多负面的东西,人的体力一 定会比较有限。
股票市场里,“信心”占据了很重要的位置,也是决定股市上或下的一个值得去参考的指标。而信心这个东西是很脆弱的,人的信心是很容易被动摇的。《too big to fail》电 影里我曾经阐述过信心、信任和信誉是建立起整个经济架构的。上个月尾当大家信心爆满,仙股当道,连平时不contra的我,都在contra赚钱,各道师 傅都出城的时候,短短的时间就下滑了一百点。个个脑子里都在念着熊市的当儿,昨日股市竟然大步反弹,再次搞到股民们睡不着。大家都在寻找着等还是卖还是买 的答案。对市场的信心破裂。
再一次不敢强调说这个反弹是真还是假,接下来股市是上还是下。我依然相信股市很难去预测,被像我和你这样的人预测就不会是股市了。而我们可以做的,调整好 自己的心态,不要躲在刚受伤的阴影里太久。好好去思考下一次自己该在什么时候进场和退场。股市总是会在你不相信的时候发生他要发生的事。不要太执着你要他 发生的方向、要找的答案或要去避开的风险,应当去想个plan b c d....,因为执着是一个对与错的问题,而这个问题当下是不会有100%准确的答案。调整一下自己的心情,好好规划自己的下一步吧!继续好好的去努力, 加油!


Sime Darby - Offering £1.07bn For NBPOL

Author: PublicInvest   |   Publish date: Fri, 10 Oct 15:07

Following its earlier decision of not proceeding with the proposal to acquire Kulim's 49% stake in New Britain Palm Oil Limited (NBPOL), Sime Darby (Sime) has made a quick comeback with a General Olfer to buy out all NBPOL's shareholders at £7.15 (RM37.54) per share, which is a massive premium of 85% to the last closing price on Wednesday on the London Stock Exchange. The offer, which represents a 2%-10% premium to NBPOL's independent fair value, values the entire company at approximately £1.073bn (RM5.63bn). Pending the outcome of the General Offer, we maintain our Neutral call on Sime with an unchanged TP of RM9.99.
Recap. Sime has shown its interest in NBPOL since July following the failure of Kulim in raising its stake in NBPOL. Sime had entered into exclusive discussions with Kulim for a period of 60 days but was surprisingly not extended last week following the expiry of the exclusivity period. The huge General Offer of £1.073bn (RM5.63bn) or £7.15 (RM37.54) per share for NBPOL has indeed surprised the market again.
Synergistic deal. With the acquisition of NBPOL, it will pave the way for Sime's maiden foray into PNG without the need for hefty pex and time in building up its presence. Management guided that NBPOL will make up at least 4%-5% of earnings contribution to the Group for the next 2 years based on a 5-year average CPO price of USD800lmt Apart from that, the acquisition will increase Sime's landbank size close to 1m ha from 864,141 ha while NBPOL's two refineries, in Liverpool, UK and in PNG will also help complement Sime's existing downstream activities in EU and Southeast Asia and increase total refining pacity to 4m mt.
Valuations. The offer, which values NBPOL at an Evlha of RM84,200, is higher than other recent plantation acquisitions, which traded in the range of RM70,000-RM78,000. It is also higher than the NBPOL's independent fair value of £6.50 and £7.00 per share released in Aug 2013. We also opine the offer is fairly high especially in the current down cycle of CPD prices. However, it is the price to pay for the i) young age profile, ii) strong FFB yield, iii) potential synergies in downstream  and iv) management control Mth the minimum acceptance of 51%, which also helps consolidate its plantation arm. Sime will fund the acquisition through 80% from external borrowings while the remaining 20% will come from its internally generated funds. Its gearing level eventually will increase from 38% to 55% but will be pared down subsequently through i) tight control of capex across divisions, ii) proceeds from potential IPO exercise and iii) cash savings from dividend reinvestment plan. The Group has received the backing from the PNG Government and NBPOL board, who intends to recommend NBPOL's shareholders accept the General Offer.
Source: PublicInvest Research - 10 Oct 2014
Festive demand may support CPO prices: Angel According to Angel Commodities Palm oil may trade on a positive note. Festive demand and positive overseas markets may support prices. However, higher imports and comfortable supplies may cap the upside, says the report. Angel Commodities More about the Brokerage... 1 2 0 Google +0 1 Comments (1) Angel Commodities' report on Crude Palm Oil (CPO) CPO Oct Futures corrected from higher levels on profit taking and tracking weak soy oil and settled 1.05% lower. Prices gained on Monday tracking higher overseas edible oil markets. Palm oil Nov futures on KLCE traded on a positive note Monday tracking overnight gains in soy oil and settled 0.55% higher. Good export demand also supported prices while higher output during seasonally higher yield period capped sharp gains. According to Malaysian Palm oil Board, exports decreased 0.42% in August against July, while palm oil output increased 21.98% and the end stocks increased 21.92%. Exports of Malaysian palm oil products in September increased 16.3% to 1,497,828 tonnes from 1,288,117 tonnes shipped in August. Indonesia has removed export tax for October from 9% in September. Malaysia has exempt export tax for September and October. India's crude palm oil imports increased 69.03% in August to 640,072 tn from 378,662 tn last year. Outlook Palm oil may trade on a positive note. Festive demand and positive overseas markets may support prices. However, higher imports and comfortable supplies may cap the upside. Prices may also take cues from movement in the Rupee. For all commodities report, click here

Read more at: http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/brokerage-recos-commodities/festive-demand-may-support-cpo-prices-angel_1198211.html?utm_source=ref_article
Festive demand may support CPO prices: Angel According to Angel Commodities Palm oil may trade on a positive note. Festive demand and positive overseas markets may support prices. However, higher imports and comfortable supplies may cap the upside, says the report. Angel Commodities More about the Brokerage... 1 2 0 Google +0 1 Comments (1) Angel Commodities' report on Crude Palm Oil (CPO) CPO Oct Futures corrected from higher levels on profit taking and tracking weak soy oil and settled 1.05% lower. Prices gained on Monday tracking higher overseas edible oil markets. Palm oil Nov futures on KLCE traded on a positive note Monday tracking overnight gains in soy oil and settled 0.55% higher. Good export demand also supported prices while higher output during seasonally higher yield period capped sharp gains. According to Malaysian Palm oil Board, exports decreased 0.42% in August against July, while palm oil output increased 21.98% and the end stocks increased 21.92%. Exports of Malaysian palm oil products in September increased 16.3% to 1,497,828 tonnes from 1,288,117 tonnes shipped in August. Indonesia has removed export tax for October from 9% in September. Malaysia has exempt export tax for September and October. India's crude palm oil imports increased 69.03% in August to 640,072 tn from 378,662 tn last year. Outlook Palm oil may trade on a positive note. Festive demand and positive overseas markets may support prices. However, higher imports and comfortable supplies may cap the upside. Prices may also take cues from movement in the Rupee. For all commodities report, click here

Read more at: http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/brokerage-recos-commodities/festive-demand-may-support-cpo-prices-angel_1198211.html?utm_source=ref_article

Banking Mega Merger – Still Prefer RHB Cap

Author: kltrader   |   Publish date: Fri, 10 Oct 12:03


CIMB,  MBSB  and  RHB  Cap  announced merger struc ture and valuations  basis .
RHB  Cap  will  acquire  CIMB  assets  and  liabilities  for  shares while  CIMB  Islamic  will  acquire  MBSB  and  RHB  Islamic  for shares  (MBSB  shareholders  has  option  for  cash)  to  merged into a mega Islamic bank with 55-58% owned by the enlarged entity (CR) post strategic shareholder(s).
CIMB and MBSB will be delisted after capital distribution.
CIMB  valued  at  RM7.267  (1.7x  P/B  1HFY13),  RHB  Cap  at RM10.028  (1.44x) and MBSB at RM2.82 (1.9x).
Completion  expected in mid-2015.


CIMB  conference  call:  1)  larger  scale,  top  5  in  Asean;  2) value  creation  through  synergy;  3)  EPS  accretion  while synergy  will  recover  initial  ROE  dilution;  4)  reduce  exposure to  Indonesia;  and  5)  Islamic  bank  new  growth  driver.   Postmerger  CET1  at  9%  but  target  to  increase  to  9.5%  from assets rationalization while long-term  target is 10%.


Merger  valuation  for  CIMB  and  RHB  Cap  in  line  with expectations but MBSB surprised on upside.
Key  challenge  to  extract  synergy  and  long-term  ROE enhancement  is  addressing  the  huge  overlaps  within  CIMB and  RHB  Cap  and  to  certain  extend  with  MBSB   as  well  as execution of integration.
Although  create  scale  and  formidable  regional  banking  group with  Islamic  operation  the  new  driver,  short -term  pain  in terms of ROE dilution, integration  cost and the  overlaps.

Impact on stocks

MBSB biggest winner as deal is a privatization at significantly higher  price  (RM2.82)  vs.  current  market  price  (RM2.37)  or +19% different.
Neutral  on  CIMB,  valued  at  near  current  market  price although  will  become  stronger  entity  domestically  and regionally   longer  term.
Positive  to  RHB  Cap,  set  new  valuation  benchmark  vs. current  undervaluation.   At  RM10.028,  back -of-envelope preliminary  proforma  FY15  P/E  and  P/B  undemanding at 11x and  1.1x,  respectively,  although  ROE will drop to high single digit.
Thus,  we  are  maintaining  our  BUY  rating  on  RHB  Cap  with unchanged  target  price  of  RM10.00  and  HOLD  rating  on CIMB  with unchanged  target price of RM7.22.
OSK still relatively good proxy to RHB Cap  as estimated 10% discount  to  SOP  is   RM2.63.   However,  yesterday’s  share price  appreciation  has  reduced  the  difference  with  market price to 15%.


Integration  execution  could  drag  earnings,  synergy  and  long term  ROE  enhancement.   However,  CIMB  confident  given experiences  in integrating  SBB and Bank Bumi.
Source: Hong Leong Investment Bank Research - 10 Oct 2014

Maybank Research Highlights - 10 Oct 2014

Author: kltrader   |   Publish date: Fri, 10 Oct 11:43

Local News
Construction & Property: TRX project set to attract USD1b FDIs. The development of the Lifestyle Quarter project at Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) is expected to attract up to USD1b (MYR3.2b) in foreign direct investments to Malaysia. The project, which is a joint venture between 1MDB Real Estate (1MDB RE) and international property and infrastructure group Lend Lease, is expected to contain a retail-led mixed-use development of over 6.8ha, comprising a hotel, three residential towers and a retail mall connected to multi-layer central park. Also, 1MDB RE and Lend Lease are moving forward with their agreement on the development of the Lifestyle Quarter in TRX, as both parties are finalizing the key terms of the proposed joint venture (Source: Business Times, The Star)

Property: PJD-OSK Property merger 'quite soon', no privatization of merged company. Tan Sri Ong the chairman of PJD as well as the managing director and CEO of OSK Property said the “exercise will be quite soon”. They do not have the intention to privatize but rather to synergize. The consolidation will result in the creation of a first-tier property developer. (Source: The Star)

Sarawak Cable: Bags MYR493m Mukah power plant job. The contract from Shanghai Electric Group Co Ltd for the local portion of the project works to build a 2x300MW Balingian coal-fired power plant in Mukah, Sarawak. Project is expected to commence on Nov 28 this year, with completion on March 27, 2018. (Source: The Edge Financial Daily)

Lay Hong: Second-quarter net profit surges. It recorded close to seven-fold rise in net profit in second quarter ended Sept 30 to MYR6.3m from MYR0.9m a year earlier due to higher egg prices and favorable average corn and soybean prices. Also, Lay Hong said it had posted a 14.24% jump in revenue to MYR166.85m for the quarter from MYR146.1m previously, contributed by a higher quantity of eggs and liquid eggs sold, as well as higher sales from its retail supermarket segment due to the Hari Raya celebrations in July. (Source: The Star)
Outside Malaysia
Germany: Exports slide most since January 2009 as economy stumbles. Exports dropped 5.8% MoM in August, after a 4.8% MoM increase in July, the Federal Statistics Office in Wiesbaden said. While the typically volatile data was influenced by the timing of German school holidays in late summer, it still depicts an economy that is stumbling as the euro-area recovery grinds to a halt. The European Central Bank has added unprecedented stimulus to try to revive inflation and economic growth in the 18-nation currency bloc. (Source: Bloomberg)

U.K: BOE leaves key interest rate at 0.5% as Europe's economy falters. The Bank of England kept its key interest rate at a record low as the euro-area economy stumbled and domestic growth showed signs of losing momentum. The recent deterioration is lending weight to Governor Mark Carney's argument that more time is needed to shore up the recovery. While the nine-member Monetary Policy Committee split on the need for an increase at the last two meetings, the majority voted to hold the key rate at 0.5%. (Source: Bloomberg)

U.K. House-price growth slows to 10-month low in September on rate prospects. The average price increased 10.6% YoY to GBP 275,820 (USD 445,000). Housing-market transactions may have dropped 9% MoM from August, according to the report. (Source: Bloomberg)

Source: Maybank Research - 10 Oct 2014

CIMB Group - Moving Forward

Author: PublicInvest   |   Publish date: Fri, 10 Oct 12:16

Details of this year‟s mega-deal to create the nation‟s largest banking group were revealed  yesterday,  which  will  essentially  see  RHB  Capital  (RHB)  being  the acquirer and eventual listed entity, and the subsequent de-listings of CIMB Group (CIMB)  and Malaysia Building Society  (MBSB)  post-  asset and liability disposals. Part  of  the  exercise  will  involve  CIMB  Islamic  Bank  acquiring  the  assets  and liabilities of both  RHB Islamic Bank and MBSB  to create the mega Islamic bank as announced three months ago. A share swap on the basis of 1 RHB share for every 1.38 CIMB share held  will then be undertaken. While we feel the implied valuation of CIMB Group is a little underwhelming at RM7.27 or  a  1.7x price-to-book  ratio, this particular mode of transaction is most lik ely the best solution to avoid potential shareholder  impasses.  We  are  positive  on  the  deal,  but  our  call  is  lowered  to Neutral  however,  with  the target price capped at RM7.27. Coverage on CIMB will be on-going until completion of the deal.
How? A share swap which values CIMB at RM7.27 per share (1.7x priceto-book  @  30/6/14),  RHB  at  RM10.03  per  share  (1.44x)  and  MBSB  at RM2.82  per  share  (1.91x).  CIMB  shareholders  will  own  70%  of  the merged entity, RHB the balance.
Why?  Group Chairman Dato Sri Nazir Razak highlighted 5 key reasons why this deal was necessary, 1) it achieves the scale necessary  for the enlarged  group to  compete in  the  ASEAN  community  space,  while  also cementing  its  position  as  Top  5  within  the  region,  2)  it  achieves economies  of  scales  with  synergistic  benefits,  3)  it  is  a  compelling financial  proposition  for  CIMB  Group  shareholders  as  the  deal  is  EPS accretive though ROE dilutive in the near term higher, 4) it allows for a rebalancing of its geographical portfolio and to tap on each entity‟s core strengths, and 5) it creates a new growth engine in Islamic finance
What  now?  Bank  Negara  Malaysia  approval  has  been  sought,  after which  due  diligence  will  be  undertaken.  A  definitive  Sale  and  Purchase Agreement  will  be  signed  in  early  2015  after  which  consent  of  other regulators and shareholders will be sought. Full completion of the deal is expected mid-2015. On the issue of the Employees Provident Fund being allowed to vote, management anticipates this to not be a deal-breaker if otherwise given the value proposition on-hand.
Source: PublicInvest Research - 10 Oct 2014

CIMB-RHB-MBSB’s mega-merger

Author: kltrader   |   Publish date: Fri, 10 Oct 11:47

  • Outright  winner  is  MBSB  with  potential  cash  option  at MYR2.82/share (+19% upside).
  • Positive  for  RHB  -  upgrade  to  BUY  with  a  higher  TP  of MYR10.45. Positive for OSK with a FV MYR2.64.
  • HOLD on CIMB with an unchanged TP of MYR7.60.

What’s New

CIMB-RHB-MBSB  has  announced  details  of  their  merger  which entails  taking  MBSB  private  at  MYR2.82/sh,  and  merging  CIMB  and RHB via a share swap of 1.38 CIMB shares for every 1 RHB share. 

What’s Our View

The  outright  winner,  is  MBSB  (MBS  MK;  Not  Rated,  FV:  MYR2.82), which  is to  be taken  private  at  MYR2.82/sh. Investors  will have an option of cash or RCPS in a new unlisted mega-Islamic bank, which would likely be palatable only to strategic shareholders.
The  deal  is  neutral  on  CIMB,  whereby  we  estimate  a  post-merger dilution in FY15 ROE to 11.4% from 12.3%. Pegging on a lower FY15 P/BV target of 1.35x (FY14 1.7x previously) results in an unchanged TP  of  MYR7.60,  which  translates  to  a  FY15  PER  of  12.2x,  in  line with Maybank. We maintain our HOLD call on CIMB.
Valuing CIMB at MYR7.60/sh and taking into account the 1.38 swap ratio,  RHB  would  be  valued  at  MYR10.45  (+20%  upside).  Our  TP  is raised to MRY10.45, and we upgrade RHB to BUY from HOLD.
OSK  (OSK  MK;  Not  Rated)  could  eventually  hold  just  3%  in  the enlarged  entity  and  we  think  it  would  make  commercial  sense  to dispose off this shareholding. On revaluing its stake and applying a 20% discount to its RNAV, we derive a FV of MYR2.64 (+15% upside).
Key  risks  at  this  juncture  would  be  (i)  regulatory  approvals,  (ii) EPF’s right to vote on this deal and (iii) Aabar’s acceptance.
Source: Maybank Research - 10 Oct 2014

Sime Darby - A Surprise Offer for NBPOL

Author: kltrader   |   Publish date: Fri, 10 Oct 11:59


Sime  surpris ed  the  market  by  announcing  its  intention  to make  a  general  offer  for  all  the  shares  in  NBPOL  at £7.15/share  cash.
Sime  has  already  secured  blessings  from  key  stakeholders including: (1) the PNG Government; and (2) NBPO L board, of which  the  independent  board  committee  intends  to unanimously recommend NBPOL shareholders to accept the general  offer.
The  acquisition  will boost Sime’s land bank by  15.6% to  1m ha and refining c apacity in Europe by 67% to 750,000 mt per annum.


Pricing  wise…  The  price  tag  values  NBPOL  at  2014 -2015 P/E  of  16.4-20.5x  (based  on  consensus),  current  P/B  of 2.04x,  EV/ha  of  RM80,356  (planted  oil  palm  estates).  We believe the high price tag is justified given: (1) the scarcity of sizeable  brownfield  plantation  land  bank;  (2)  the  rare opportunity  to  acquire  quality  brownfield  asset  (which  has strong  reputation  and  track  record,  and  full  RSPO certification); (3) it is a good platform for Sime to expand into plantation  business in PNG.
Muted  earnings  impact  to  Sime…  Sime  would  not  have issue  funding  the  acquisition,  and  the  acquisition  will  only raise  Sime’s  net  gearing  from  0.22x  to  0.44x,  based  on  our estimates. Earnings wise, we estimate that the acquisition will add ~2.5% to Sime’s FY06/15  earnings, assuming: (1) Sime to acquire a 100% stake in NBPOL; (2) NBPOL to register  a net  profit  of  RM309m  (based  on  the  average  FY15 -16 consensus earnings);  and (3) interest rate assumption of 4% .

Earnings Forecasts

  • Maintained  for now.


  • Sharp  fall  in  FFB  output  and/or  palm  product  prices  at  the plantations division;
  • Prolonged  weak demand  for  mining equipment; and
  • Delay in property  launches.

Rating  HOLD

  • Positive  –  Strong balance sheet.
  • Negatives  –  (1) Weak global economic outlook,  coupled with the impending excess supply of CPO will affect both demand and  prices of CPO; (2) Cooling economic activities in  China and Australia may have an adverse impact on Sime Darby’s earnings;  and (3) Overseas  expansion  risk.


  • Maintain  SOP-derived  TP of  RM9.75
Source: Hong Leong Investment Bank Research - 10 Oct 2014

Burget 2015

Budget 2015's Infographic from iMoney

Author: Tan KW   |   Publish date: Fri, 10 Oct 19:01

Budget 2015's Infographic from iMoney

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2015 财政预算案已经宣布完毕,来看看重点消息 :

1. RON95汽油、柴油和液化石油气(LPG)都会豁免消费税。 (注意哦,不包括RON 97)

2. 其他豁免消费税的,包括 :


3 .首300千瓦小时的用电量不用GST ,超过的就要

4 . BR1M 4.0

家庭收入3000以下 :650 增加至 950 (分3次派发)
家庭收入3K - 4K :450 增加至 750 (分3次派发)
单身,收入2K一下 :300 增加至 350 (明年初派发)


6. 为了改善公共交通,政府将为居住在吉隆坡之外,但是却在首都工作的人士提供城市之间的巴士服务,乘搭者将获得折扣30%的车费。作为开始,巴士将川行三个路线,即万绕至吉隆坡,巴生至吉隆坡,以及芙蓉至吉隆坡。

7. 配合实行消费税,政府宣布个人所得税税率调降1至3%,30万名纳税人无需再缴税。


8. 纳吉说,在列入消费价格指数的944项物品当中,有多达56%或532项物品将会降价高达4.1%。这包括药物、电器如冰箱和洗衣机、纺织品、鞋子和拖鞋、肉类、鸡蛋、食油等。


2015年财政预算案 重点宣布

Posted by ascii Lc on 16:40 with No comments

2015 财政预算案 已经宣布完毕


6.13:纳吉建议提高国会议员津贴,将获得与Jusa C级公务员一样的薪金;而上议员则会获得介于54级和Jusa C级之间的薪金。






























4.40: 政府将在2015年落实数项基建项目,包括53亿令吉的新街场淡江大道(SUKE)、50亿令吉的西海岸大道、42亿令吉的白沙罗沙亚南大道 (DASH)、1亿5000万令吉的提升东海岸火车铁道计划、230亿令吉的捷运第二条路线计划(士拉央至布城),以及90亿令吉的轻快铁第3路线计划。







4.20:纳吉强调,财政预算案必须注重平衡资本经济(Capital Economy)和人民经济(People Economy)。所谓资本经济就是指宏观经济政策和管理,而人民经济就是以民为本的经济,关注生活成本、家庭收入、教育机会等人民利益等课题。

他也拿人民经济的缩写开玩笑,强调这是“EKR”(Ekonomi Keperluan Rakyat),而不是“PKR”(公正党)。





Budget 2015 ends.
Half-month bonus with a minimum payment of RM500 to be paid in January 2015 for civil servants.
Ministers and Deputy Ministers will have a salary revision at another time.
Increase in allowance of MPs.
BR1M from RM300 to RM350 a year for single individuals aged 21 and above with a monlthy income not exceeding RM2,000. Assistance 2 be disbursed early next year.
BR1M to RM950 for households with a monthly income of RM3,000 and below paid in 3 instalments
Minimum price of houses will be reduced to RM90,000 per unit with a minimum floor area of 850 square feet.
Repair and maintenance for military, police, teachers' and medical staff's quarters nationwide for RM500 million.
Minimum eligibility for housing loans increased to RM120,000 and maximum eligibility for civil servants to RM600,000.

World Competitiveness Index ranking improved from 15th to 12th position in 2014.
Over 3 years with RM30 million, to build Al-Quran Printing Centre in Putrajaya; 2nd biggest after Saudi Arabia.
Staff of KEMAS, JASA, JPNIN, JAKIM and Seranta Felda who have served more than 15 years and have retired will receive a monthly assistance of RM300 benefiting 1,655 people.
One-off grant of RM50 million will be provided to NGOs, that are involved in community development programmes, unity, social welfare, consumerism, health and security.
RM117 million will be allocated to RELA for training and capacity building.
RM121 million for PDRM to implement various programmes under NKRA.
Police force will be increased by 11,757 personnel, 14 Police Headquarters and Stations to address crime.
Construction of Air Langat 2 Water Treatment Plant will be expedited; costing RM3 billion to address water supply shortage.
Rural facilities & infrastructure to get RM4.6 million for upgrade.
Age of borrowers increased from 35 to 40 years.
For Skim Rumah Pertamaku.
Purchase limit increased to RM500,000 with 50% stamp duty exemption for first home.
For early childhood education, Ministry of Education will get RM711 million
Increase in tax relief for disabled child. RM5,000 to RM6,000
Financial assistance for poor families, children, senior citizens and disabled. RM1.2 billion
To address the dengue issue, RM30 million will be allocated.
If you have cancer, kidney failure and/or heart attack, you can get tax relief up to RM6,000. An increase from the original RM5,000.
Establish an additional 30 1Malaysia clinics.
RM41 million for planting and replanting for oil palm smallholders.
RM23.3 billion to improve health services and facilities.

RM100 million to protect smallholders from losses incurred, especially when the world market price falls. - Malaysian Rubber Board (MRB)
People working in KL and coming from outside KL will have a bus service with discounted monthly fare of 30%. Routes: Rawang-KL; Klang-KL; Seremban-KL.
Additional 20 KR1M in Peninsular Malaysia to ease burden of Malaysians.
Additional RM250 million for fishermen; to improve living condition.
Increase of living allowance for Zone A's fishermen to RM300, Zone B and C; increased to RM250.
RM100 million matching grant to Farmers’ Organisation Authority to enable the members to obtain loans to improve farm productivity and marketing channels.
Government will establish 65 new permanent farmers’ markets and 50 new fish markets that will operate daily in selected locations. To date, there are 526 farmers’ markets and 50 fish markets nationwide.
Government will also give a 50% stamp duty exemption on the instrument of transfer agreements and loan agreements.
RM200 incentive monthly for first two years of housing loan repayment.
RM100 mil for 1Malaysia Youth City in Sabah and Sarawak to boost employability and entrepreneurship skills in youth.
Child care holiday for 1 year for step child, adopted child, or special needs child.
RM320 million to revitalise youth programmes, including National Service and Rakan Muda.
"1 malaysia support" for housewives for professional women to return to employment.
RM 2.26 billion allocated for the Women, Family and Development Ministry to promote women entrepreneurship.
RM 2.26 billion for development of women's operations.
Women make up only 38% of work force. Government will take initiative to increase this.
Women are the backbone of a nation's development.
Lahad Datu airstrip will be extended to accommodate bigger planes.
RM27 billion for construction of 1,663km highway in Pan Borneo.
Construction of pan borneo highway at a cost of RM27 billion.
Various initiatives to promote bumiputera entrepreneurship.
Government hopes to make M'sia a prime location for start-ups in the region. MAGIC to create a conducive start-up eco-system to attract expatriates.
Labour laws to be revised to include benefits such as flexible hours to cater to an increasingly dynamic labour market.
Labour laws to be revised to include benefits such as flexible hours to cater to an increasingy dynamic labour market.
PTPTN: Rebate of 10% for individuals who has been consistently paying for the past 12 months till 31 Disember 2014 and 20% rebate for those who settles the full amount by 31 March 2015. 
TalentCorp to be allocated RM13 mil for internship programmes and industrial training & more.
Syllabus at higher learning institutions to be revised to include extra-curricular activities to combat "unemployability" among local graduates.
PTPTN, as of Aug 31, 2014, only 46% of debt collected. 174,000 have never repaid their student loan.
National schools will be allocated RM450 mil, Sek. Jenis Kebangsaan Cina gets RM50 mil, SJK Tamil RM50 mil, boarding schools RM50 mil, religious schools with government's aids RM50 mil, SRSM 50 mil, Sek pondok RM50 mil and RM25 mil for chinese schools using national syllabus.
RM258 million allocation for Ministry of Health.
RM800 million allocated for schools, which include national schools, and Chinese and Tamil vernacular schools.
2x tax relief for companies who offer internships for diploma and vocational students.
10,000 students will be placed in private vocational institutions. 
By 2020, 46% jobs will need technical and vocational qualifications. To increase enrollment in technical and vocational schools RM1.2 billion to be allocated.
Principals will be given autonomy to administrate their respective schools.
RM56 billion will be allocated for the Ministry of Education for various programmes.
1Malaysia Training Centre has been established for the private sector.
Urban Transformation Centre to be established in Kelantan, Terengganu and Perlis  to promote skills and employability.
A new subsidy scheme will be announced soon.
To improve the country's budget - subsidy rationalisation has been implemented. An example is the fuel subsidy. We will ensure this is done in gradually and in stages to reduce the burden on the rakyat.
Grant of RM100 million for companies who send staff for GST training.
YA 2016, SMEs and small businesses will be reduced from 20% to 19%.
Highest income tax rate to be reduced from 26% to 24%. 
Personal income reduced by 1% - 3% , 300,000 taxpayers will be exempted from income tax. 
532 items, 56% price will be reduced such as medical products, electronic products, furniture, diapers, seafood and vegetables. 
Groceries, RON95, diesel and LTG exempted as well.
GST exempted on essential items. To increase the number of items: 1) all local and imported fruits, white and wholemeal bread, coffee and tea, cocoa powder, mee kuning, laksa and mihun.

Also 290 types of medicine for 30 types of illness such as heart diseases, and diabetes will be exempt.

Reading magterials such as colouring books, dictionary, and others.

There will be an increase in the exemption for electricity consumption from first 200 units to 300 units.

To trim fiscal deficit to achieve a balance budget. 
RM1.3 billion for Ministry of Science, Technology and Information - rebrand SIRIM, introduce a new initiative Public Private Research Network.
RM50 million to Ex-army Programme, benefitting 50,000 ex-army personnels.
RM50 million to Professional Young Women Development programme, benefitting 50,000 professionals.
RM50 million to Indian entrepreneurs.
RM350 million to Bumiputera entrepreneurs.
Tekun has been providing loan amounting to RM3.1 billion.
High speed broadband to be implemented in high impact areas in the nation. RM2.7 billion will be allocated in 3 years including additional 1,000 base stations and undersea cable construction. 
These developments will create at least 1,000 employment opportunities.
Project LRT 3rd phase, from Bandar Utama to Shah Alam to Klang will begin soon.
MRT second phase, 56 km, from Selayang to Putrajaya with RM23 billion allocated.
Allowance automation modal expenditure of 200% on the first RM4 million. From 2015 - 2017. 
100% tax exemption for 5 years to encourage private sectors to develop industrial areas in rural and less developed locations.
Encourage investments in less developed areas in the country, with specific programmes.
Malaysia is now the biggest sukuk provider, taking up 60% globally.
Research Incentive Scheme with RM10 million for SMEs in ICT and information industry.
Introduce the blueprint for the service sector with RM5 billion allocated for SMEs in the service sector.
With GST, SST will be abolished, causing the government a loss of RM13.8 billion
Total revenue last year is RM235.2 bil, additional of RM10.2 bil compared to the year before. 
RM4.9 bil allocated for security sector
Revenue from GST expected to hit 23.2 billion. With GST, SST will be abolished. 
Deficit fiscal trimmed from 6.7% (2009) to 3.9% (2013), and 3.5% by end of 2014. 
We are now ranked the highest economic growth in South East Asia. 
Budget 2015 is a budget of economy based on the rakyat's needs. 
"People economy and capital economy cannot be separated. They exist in a symbiosis relationship," said PM. 
The biggest challenge we face in administrating the country is balancing policies that are populist in nature with policies that are based on economic health of the country. 
With the aim to achieve high-income nation in 2020, such as Japan and Korea. All these countries started with agriculture, just like us. 
Opening address by Prime Minister: Government is still committed to develop Malaysia, with the 11th Malaysian Plan starting May 2015 with the Malaysia National Development Strategy (MyNDS). 
And we're off! Malaysians, are we ready for Budget 2015?