
cronous up lv

Level  1 ~ 69
Castle CronousUnderground prison

Level  70~ 99
1st Class:Shadow Room
1st Maste:Necropolis KeyraEntice  River of Flame  Sunken Dungeon Trade union
2nd Class:Necropolis KeyraIce Cave  Sunken Dungeon Trade union

Level  100 ~ 114
1st Class & 1st Maste:
Dark world prison  Sunken Ship Armaho  Forgotten Temple  Underground Cave
2nd  Class:
Dark world prison  Valkyrie Temple(2nd 110lv) Sunken Ship Armaho  Forgotten Temple  Underground CaveDesert of DeathValkyrie Island

Level  115 ~ 144
 1st Maste:Devil's Playground
2nd  Class:Devil's PlaygroundFort Artur RamAncient Forest

Level  145 ~ 184
Fort Artur RamEvent ZoneShadow Dungeon

Level  185 ~
Fort Artur Ram(115lv)Shadow DungeonOvest Island

