

马来西亚第二季度 GDP 增长 5.8% - 预估

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吉隆坡:马来西亚国内生产总值 (GDP) 的预估值显示,2024 年第二季度经济增长 5.8%。

国家统计部门在一份声明中表示,2024 年上半年,GDP 预计将增长 5%,而去年同期为 4.1%。


该机构表示,家庭消费支出的增加受到节日和学校假期以及 2024 年 4 月支付 Sumbangan Tunai Rahmah (STR) 第二阶段的刺激。

此外,截至 2024 年 6 月,共从雇员公积金局(EPF)第 3 账户(灵活账户)中提取了 69.8 亿令吉,以支持短期财务需求。

首席统计师拿督斯里莫哈末乌兹尔马希丁表示,第二季度的预计增长与最新指标一致,例如工业生产指数,与上年相比,2024 年 4 月和 5 月分别增长了 6.1% 和 2.4%。



“在对外部门,总贸易额、出口额和进口额与去年同期相比都有所增长。其他因素包括游客人数增加、油棕产量增加以及大型项目的进展,”Mohd Uzir 表示。

谈到行业增长,他表示,服务业增长至 5.6%,而第一季度为 4.7%,这得益于批发和零售贸易、运输和仓储以及金融和保险子行业的推动。

受所有子行业增长的推动,制造业从上一季度的 1.9% 增长至 4.7%,而建筑业也录得 17.2% 的两位数增长,也得益于所有子行业的强劲表现。

农业部门增长 7.1%,高于第一季度的 1.6%,这得益于油棕子行业的显著增长。

与此同时,采矿和采石业增长从上一季度的 5.7% 降至 3.3%,这归因于天然气子行业的放缓。

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Standard for selecting copper pipes before installing air conditioners and air conditioners

Each air conditioner company will have specific regulations to size when installing air conditioner, air conditioner. Therefore, the selection of a standard-sized copper pipe, suitable for air-conditioner capacity, is an important and necessary meaning, because copper pipes are 'souls' that determine life expectancy and Operating capacity of air conditioner. However, at present, when buying air conditioner, consumers do not care much about air conditioning installation as well as selection of special materials, especially copper pipes, to ensure safety during use. So how to choose the gravure to fit and save, invite you to refer to the article below.

1. Gravure size

Standard for selecting copper pipes before installing air conditioners and air conditioners Picture 1

The copper pipe for this air conditioner mainly uses 2 types:

  1. For 1 HP machines (~ 9000 BTU), use copper pipes with an outer diameter of 10 mm.
  2. For 1.5 HP machines (~ 12000 BTU), use copper pipes with an outer diameter of 10 mm or 12 mm.
  3. For 2 HP machines (~ 18000 BTU), use copper pipes with an outer diameter of 12 mm.
  4. For a 2.5 HP machine (~ 24000 BTU), use copper pipes with an outer diameter of 12 mm or 16 mm.

2. Gravure thickness between the outdoor unit and the indoor unit

Standard for selecting copper pipes before installing air conditioners and air conditioners Picture 2

In addition to copper pipe size, the length of the copper pipe between the outdoor unit and the indoor unit is also a must for consumers before installation.

When selecting copper pipes for air conditioning, if choosing copper pipes too short, it is easy to crack pipes, gas leaks clog, leading to fast equipment damage. Conversely, if the copper pipe is too long, it affects the air conditioning capacity, causing the air conditioner to not cool itself, heat up, and run the wrong performance.

For each different company, there are separate rules about the size of copper pipes for their products (usually minimum length is about 3m, maximum is about 15m or 20-30m depending on type), to be more sure, you should take Check product specifications before selecting copper pipes.

Example: For air conditioners with a capacity of 9000 BTU - 12000 BTU: The pipe is no longer than 15m.

For air conditioners with a capacity of 18000BTU - 24000BTU: The pipe is no longer than 20m.

3. The height difference between the outdoor unit and the indoor unit

Standard for selecting copper pipes before installing air conditioners and air conditioners Picture 3

In addition to the size and thickness of the copper pipe, you should also pay attention and follow the height difference of the outdoor unit and indoor unit. This difference in height must also be within the manufacturer's allowable limits.

For example: In the case of customers installing cheap Daikin air conditioners:

For machines with a capacity of 9000BTU - 12000BTU, the distance between the outdoor unit and the indoor unit is not more than 5m.

For machines with a capacity of 18000BTU - 24000BTU, the distance must not exceed 10 meters.

In addition, when installing the outdoor unit and indoor unit, you need to comply with the following requirements:

Standard for selecting copper pipes before installing air conditioners and air conditioners Picture 4

Requirements for installation of indoor units

  1. Install the indoor unit on the wall very firmly and balanced to avoid shaking.
  2. The air flow in and out is unimpeded so that the gas can spread all over the room.
  3. Do not install the indoor unit where there is direct sunlight.
  4. Install the indoor unit where it can be connected to the outdoor outdoor unit in the easiest way.
  5. Install the indoor unit where the drainage pipe can be easily installed and the air filter can be removed for regular maintenance and cleaning.
  6. The drainage line in the indoor unit must be steep.

Requirements for installation of outdoor units

  1. If possible, the outdoor unit should not be installed where there is direct sunlight.
  2. Do not install the outdoor unit in a place where strong winds or heavy dust are present.
  3. Do not place the outdoor unit in a place where many people pass by.
  4. Do not place the outdoor unit directly on the ground.
  5. Note to the direction of the neighbor's house because it is very likely that the air from the outdoor unit blows on the window or makes noise.
  6. The place to set the outdoor unit must be open, the distance between the wall surrounding with two gables and behind the hot rig must be cm 30cm

Above are the points to comply with the size of copper pipes when installing air conditioner that you need to note.

See more:

  1. Installation of one air conditioner for two rooms with savings?
  2. How to clean the air conditioner properly?
  3. Wrong habits when using air conditioning

Please seek professionals for Air Conditioning installation. Please do not DIY. 

There are 5 common sizes of copper pipes. See table:

Ø Diameter (in inches) Ø Diameter (in mm)
1/4''6.35  mm
3/8''9.52  mm
1/2''12.70 mm
5/8''12.88 mm
3/4''19.05 mm


We have listed some popular brands Split System as below:

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Model NumberCapacityPair coil sizes
SRK17ZMP-S / DXK05Z5-S1.7kw1/4'' 3/8''
SRK20ZSA-W / DXK06ZSA-W2.0kw1/4'' 3/8''
SRK25ZSA-W / DXK09ZSA-W2.5kw1/4'' 3/8''
SRK35ZSA-W / DXK12ZSA-W3.5kw1/4'' 3/8''
SRK50ZSA-W / DXK18ZSA-W5.0kw1/4'' 1/2''
SRK63ZRA-W / DXK21ZRA-W6.3kw1/4'' 1/2''
SRK71ZRA-W / DXK24ZRA-W7.1kw1/4'' 5/8''
SRK80ZRA-W / DXK28ZRA-W8.0kw1/4'' 5/8''
SRK95ZRA-W / DXK33ZRA-W9.5kw3/8'' 5/8''


Mitsubishi Electric 
Model NumberCapacityPair coil sizes
MSZ-AP20VGD-A12.0 kw1/4"  3/8"
MSZ-AP25VGD-A12.5 kw1/4"  3/8"
MSZ-AP35VGD-A13.5 kw1/4"  3/8"
MSZ-AP42VGD-A14.0 kw1/4"  3/8"
MSZ-AP50VGD-A15.0 kw1/4''  1/2''
MSZ-AP60VGD-A16.0 kw1/4''  1/2''
MSZ-AP71VGD-A17.1 kw1/4''  1/2''
MSZ-AP80VGD-A18.0 kw1/4''  1/2''
MSZ-AS90VGD-A19.0 kw1/4''  1/2''


Fujitsu -Lifestyle Series
Model NumberCapacity Pair coil sizes
ASTG09KMTC2.5 kw1/4"  3/8"
ASTG12KMTC3.5 kw1/4"  3/8"
ASTG18KMTC5.0 kw1/4''  1/2''
ASTG22KMTC6.0 kw1/4''  1/2''
ASTG24KMTC7.0 kw1/4''  1/2''
ASTG30KMTC8.5 kw3/8''  5/8''
ASTG34KMTC9.4 kw3/8''  5/8''


Fujitsu -Classic 
Model NumberCapacityPair coil sizes
ASTG09LVCC2.5 kw1/4"  3/8"
ASTG12LVCC3.5 kw1/4"  3/8"
ASTG18LVCC5.0 kw1/4''  1/2''
ASTG22LVCC6.3 kw1/4''  5/8''
ASTG24LFCC7.1 kw1/4''  5/8''
ASTG30LFCC8.0 kw3/8''  5/8''
ASTG34LFCC9.2 kw3/8''  5/8''


Midea Apollo Series 
Model NumberCapacityPair coil sizes
MFAB-20NC2.0 kw1/4"  3/8"
MFAB26NB/WB2.6 kw1/4"  3/8"
MFAB35NB/WB3.5 kw1/4''  1/2''
MFAB50NB/WB5.0 kw1/4''  1/2''
MFAB70NB/WB7.0 kw3/8''  5/8''
MFAB90NB/WB9.0 kw3/8''  5/8''


GREE Bora Series 
Model NumberCapacityPair coil sizes
GWH09AAC-K6DNA1A/I2.5 kw1/4"  3/8"
GWH12AAC-K6DNA1F/I3.4 kw1/4"  3/8"
GWH18AAD-K6DNA1D/I5.2 kw1/4'' 1/2''
GWH24AAE-K6DNA1F/I7.1 kw1/4'' 5/8''
GWH32QF- K6DNC8D9 kw1/4'' 5/8''


Model NumberCapacityPair coil sizes
FTXV20WVMA / FTXF20WVMA2.0 kw1/4"  3/8"
FTXV25WVMA / FTXF25WVMA2.5 kw1/4"  3/8"
FTXV35WVMA / FTXF35WVMA3.5 kw1/4"  3/8"
FTXV46WVMA / FTXF46WVMA4.0 kw1/4'' 1/2''
FTXF46WVMA4.6 kw1/4'' 1/2''
FTXV50WVMA / FTXF50WVMA5.0 kw1/4'' 1/2''
FTXV60WVMA6.0 kw1/4'' 1/2''

7.0 kw

3/8''  5/8''
FTXV85LVMA8.5 kw3/8''  5/8''
FTXV95LVMA9.5 kw3/8''  5/8''


Model NumberCapacityPair coil sizes
CS-Z25XKR / CS-Z25VKR / CS-RZ25XKRW /CS-RZ25WKR2.5 kw1/4"  3/8"
CS-Z35XKR / CS-Z35VKR / CS-RZ35XKRW / CS-RZ35WKR3.5 kw1/4"  3/8"
CS-Z42XKR / CS-Z42VKR / CS-RZ42XKRW / CS-RZ42WKR4.2 kw1/4'' 1/2''
CS-Z50XKR / CS-Z50VKR / CS-RZ50XKRW / CS-RZ50WKR5.0 kw1/4'' 1/2''
CS-Z60XKR / CS-Z60VKR / CS-RZ60XKRW / CS-RZ60WKR6.0 kw1/4'' 1/2''
CS-Z71XKR / CS-Z71VKR / CS-RZ71XKRW / CS-RZ71WKR7.1 kw1/4'' 5/8''
CS-Z80XKR / CS-Z80VKR / CS-RZ80XKR / CS-RZ80WKR8.0 kw1/4'' 5/8''


Model NumberCapacityPair coil sizes
KSD25HWJ2.5 kw1/4" 3/8"
KSD35HWJ3.5 kw1/4" 1/2"
KSD50HWJ5.0 kw1/4'' 1/2''
KSD71HWJ7.1 kw3/8'' 5/8''
KSD90HWJ9.0 kw3/8'' 5/8''